New Eyes for this hunting season

Mono or not is what I can't decide. I like the thought of seeing up close without glasses. No way to do that and get good distance vision at my age. Anyone else get one near and one far sighted?

I did mono as that was how my vision was setup with my contacts. If you already have that, that is what I would recommend as I don't want reading glasses.
Wait until you're done hunting for the year, I had PRK done at the end of October last year (right before leaving my last job) and it took a little while to recover and adjust. Bright lights and screens were a bit of an issue for close to a month, I still run everything in dark mode but no longer have the sensitivity.

Decided on early Dec due to hunting and work. Should be done with big game hunts by then. Will miss out on some upland hunting I had hoped to do more of this year. Work gets busy in Jan so can't push it much later.
My eyes are bad enough I have to wear contacts or glasses for anything. My vision with contacts is fantastic, but I'll admit they're a hassle for backpacking, camping, & hunting.

I've been on the fence for years now. The biggest deciding factor might be whether or not the contact solution counts as an attractant for grizzly bears- any insight on this one?
Man thats a great feeling had mine done about 11 years ago and no regrets would do it again in a second.
I had a consult and exam this week to get my cataract done. Doc says I can upgrade to "never wear glasses again" lens for about $1200 per eye above what the insurance covers, since those lens are considered elective.
I've been reading through the folio they sent home with me, but it's just marketing pablum. I need to dig deeper than that before I decide.

I have one eye that cannot be corrected to even 20/40. It's making me crazy. I have to do something.
I did mono as that was how my vision was setup with my contacts. If you already have that, that is what I would recommend as I don't want reading glasses.

Right now I just wear 2 diopter readers for everything. I think since I've worn them so long my eyes adjusted to them, and so when I take them off I can't see near or far. It would be nice to see close and far, but if I'll need reading glasses to see, for example, small print, I'd rather have far/equal vision and just put on the readers when necessary.
I had a consult and exam this week to get my cataract done. Doc says I can upgrade to "never wear glasses again" lens for about $1200 per eye above what the insurance covers, since those lens are considered elective.
I've been reading through the folio they sent home with me, but it's just marketing pablum. I need to dig deeper than that before I decide.

I have one eye that cannot be corrected to even 20/40. It's making me crazy. I have to do something.

Both my mother in law and father in law did this. Both lifelong glasses wearers. Both glasses free now and love it.
Glad I'm not the only one. The guy doing the surgery says, "Don't worry, it's gonna smell like something's burning, but we're not burning your eye." Whatever drug they gave me was definitely taking effect, and I remember thinking, of course you're burning my eye, your shooting it with a (expletive) laser. Then I had to try not to laugh uncontrollably.

The only thing that was really unpleasant for me during the procedure was watching the screen in the lobby as the person in front of me got their procedure done. It was zoomed in right on their eye, and it was creepy.

Damnnnnnn! Sounds like a Hipaa lawsuit in the works lol......No way I could watch someone else have that done, I have no prob with blood, and have sat up close and personal through three C-Sections but there is something about dickin with my eyes that I just can't handle. That and that wand for Covid that they run clear up to your brain :eek:
That was long 12 hour nap! Valium plus benedyrl = night night. Waking up I have no irritation and everything feels good. Vision is hard to focus, one second it's fuzzy, then crystal clear. Lights suck, they are super blurred and need sunglasses even for room lights.

As far as the fears go people have with the procedure itself:
1) force the doctor to let the valium kick in. I got mine and 5 minutes later I was going in for the procedure. Less than 10 minutes it was done. 5 minutes later the Valium actually kicked in.
2) it is mentally scary. You don't feel anything at all due to the numbing drops just the docs hands pressing on your head and eyelids. However, you do go practically blind. There were moments where I just saw pitch black and the rest was mostly just extremely hazy. Then afterwards it's super blurry, you can't really read anything.
3) it's less than 10 mintues. Pass that tiny hurdle and just get it done!
Waking up I have no irritation and everything feels good. Vision is hard to focus, one second it's fuzzy, then crystal clear.
How you feeling bro? Mine is a little clearer each day so far. Still not perfect but way better than wearing glasses. Seems like it gets a little clearer throughout the day. You doing alright?

Get those drops in!
How you feeling bro? Mine is a little clearer each day so far. Still not perfect but way better than wearing glasses. Seems like it gets a little clearer throughout the day. You doing alright?

Get those drops in!
Yes it's going good. During the day here it was fine but now I'm struggling at night and lights really bothering me. I really need to just go to bed but I'm smoking some pig shoulders for a party tomorrow
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