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ND Muley Scouting - 08/07/10


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2001
Well this was my first scouting trip of the year and it was a good one! Usually I've put in a lot of time locating/looking over bucks before August rolls around and have a good idea of which ones I am going to pursue (not necessarily kill :D).

The Badlands have had a lot of rain this year. The grass is VERY tall and it's more green than I can ever remember it being in August. A lot of nice bucks turned up, especially Saturday morning. Big Fin, I might mention every buck pictured here, but two, were within 1/2 mile of where you killed your buck last December. :confused: I guess they heard you were coming last year and cleared out!

Grizzley was out scouting this weekend as well and we met up Saturday afternoon to look over a couple of areas Khunter and Dinkshooter were hunting last year. Again, were found lots of deer and some nice bucks.

I didn't find any bruisers this trip, though I did get a tip from a rancher/good friend of a REALLY big buck on public land just a few miles south of where I hunt. The rancher has seen this buck three times over the last three weeks, in the same draw, while checking cattle and fixing water tanks. My next scouting trip will be devoted entirely to getting a look at this one.

Frickin' gorgeous morning for scouting!


Hiding in the grass


Nice cheater on the driver's side


Same buck broadside


The next three pics are of this dandy. He bedded with his buddy in a suicide position and would have received an arrow through the lungs if season were open. I hope I find him bedded here the last two weekends of Sept.


From the front




A crazy long browtine on the right.


A really nice 5x5, but light was fading and the picture quality sufferred


Two other good 5x5's


Misc. bucks


Grizzley walking out and contemplating which buck to let the air out of this year!


The end of a VERY good day of scouting!

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Great scout trip there Buschy!
Beautiful country and some fantastic pics! Dig the roots out of those skulls - and the last pic with that sunset photo!
Looks like you guys will be in 'em come season...

Thanks for sharing!
Big Fin, I might mention every buck pictured here, but two, were within 1/2 mile of where you killed your buck last December. :confused: I guess they heard you were coming last year and cleared out!

You really expect me to believe that?

With God and Troy as my witness, the biggest buck living in those badlands last December had only 3 points on each side, four if you are into counting eye guards. You took those pics is Southern Saskatchewan, I bet any money.

They are some great pics of some really good bucks. Hope you arrow one of them.
Great looking pics! Its great to see how green things are this year. I'll be down there for the opening week looking to stick one. Should be fun!
Wow great photos!!! Now I really have to get out there this weekend!! I see the rain really did its magic and helped out with the antler growth this year... Im just jacked for the seaon season now!
Great stuff, Buschy. Hope you are able to find a good one when the season opens.
There is no better way to spend a weekend! I agree it is crazy how green it is this year and the antler growth shows it. Awesome pics! Thanks for sharing!
Nice shots and even better bucks. The big typ and the crazy browtine are awesome. I am second guessing my decision to not apply this year.

I will return and the muley bucks will pay!!
Good job brushy, looks like you had a great time and found some great deer too! I went out scouting myself and found a couple good one's. Your pictures are alot better than mine! I will post some if I can! Congrats again.

Give me a heads up when you're heading north to hunt mulies. I will meet you out there. You need to come up just a little earlier though. The last two weeks of November are great!

That non-typical with the crazy browtine is in the same draw where you and Khunter were harassing the two big typicals last year. There were two other really good bucks in that draw as well.
Well I finaly maid it to the badlands!! It went very well. Tried out a new area and found 16 different bucks within a mile and a half. 2 of those deer i definately want to put on the wall!!! Looks like the 5 foot tall clover really helped out the antler growth..The only thing that sucked was that I took over 30 pics and somehow they were all deleted off of my camera!!!!
That's too bad. I would have liked to see them.

Oh well. Get out there in a few weeks and get some close ups for us :D
Yeah I dont have any idea how that could have happened!? I may be goin out there again this weekend to look over some more country and see if I can find those deer again. I'll have to borrow a friends camera cause the area is beautiful!
Great pics!! That looks like some super fun country to hunt. Looks like I need to start gathering some points...
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