My 2012 Dall Sheep

Wyodeer - Maybe he is trying to determine the age of his ram...I'd recommend the other end though. It'll be a lot easier. This end requires a lot more factors...density, girth, 1 or 2? You know the usual stuff.
Wyo, stop trying to mess with the unenlightened ones on here!!!! Most of us oldtimers know that you have to make a cross-cut midtesticle and count the rings. That's the way Jeremiah Johnson taught me to do it.
Broomed stones huh....I must finally be mature coz I can pretty much sweep the floor with em.
How many rams did you have to crawl out from under before you found a mature one? I will never be a "great" sheep hunter apparently because I am not willing to suck a dick to get to the balls to tell the age!! :D
Welcome to the Moosie's "big news tomorrow" style of storytelling.

Bet it is worth the wait.
Probably just a Boer goat in the pen out back. I hear tell in Montana they just roll over on their back to have 'em handled..
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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