My 10th Alaska

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
My wife and I are heading up on Tuesday for 3 weeks to work on the cabin. Just bragging, just saying. We'll be in ANC and FAI and just about everywhere in between as we travel. If you see an old fat guy driving a uhaul pickup with a pretty blonde wife, stop and say hi.
Sounds like you are gonna have some fun.
We're flying back home tonight so no chance to meet. Have a ball! The weather has been GREAT again. We'll have well over 2000 miles on the rental car in just over a week, and we have Halibut and King salmon filets to take back home. Someday we'll come up and not go back. We found a couple areas to settle down in when I think I can quit working. At least that's the plan!
Have a great time Nick! Hope the weather stays great for you and the wife. Take more pics of the cabin area and share when you return.

We're flying back home tonight so no chance to meet. Have a ball! The weather has been GREAT again. We'll have well over 2000 miles on the rental car in just over a week, and we have Halibut and King salmon filets to take back home. Someday we'll come up and not go back. We found a couple areas to settle down in when I think I can quit working. At least that's the plan!

I have been pretty fortunate with my Alaska travels so far. I have over 80 days in Alaska and I have probably had to deal with rain less than 15 of them. The rain I have dealt with has rarely been substantial enough to alter plans. Good luck with the fish. Friends and family will be coming out of the woodwork to help you dispose of it.

Thanks for all the well wishes. My only regret about Alaska is that I started visiting in my mid-30s. I wish I had known it was an option in my 20s.
I will be taking hundreds of pics and doing a lot of work this trip, I will share all the good times. I wish everyone could enjoy Alaska for them selves- for now they'll have to make due looking at our pics and watching Randy's videos--it could be worse!!
I'm available for adoption when you go for residency.Then you'll have a goat,sheep and grizzly partner.Have fun but don't work the whole time.I know you enough to know the fish are in trouble
Caribou Gear

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