Caribou Gear

Muzzy desert Muley, real story...


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
So you heard what the first couple days were like from Stan. First morning I get into Tucson, rent my truck, grab my gear and head for the border. Get there about 2pm and do some driving and glassing to get familiar with the country a bit. I see 3 bucks including this one and figure that if this is the first afternoon the rest of the hunt I should see a ton of bucks! boy was I wrong. On the 4th day I never even saw a Mule deer, and for some reason saw 6 WT bucks instead.

good looking country though, you would never guess it is AZ

Stan shows up around midnight or so and almost gets my 41 mag in his face for waking me up at my "camp" yes, I found a safe place I guess when I was alone because I found a rest area about 100 yards from the Border Patrol HQ and crawled in the back of the truck to sleep. I never camped. I ate pop tarts on the defrost duct, and cans of ravioli on the intake manifold.
When Stan was there we parked the trucks together one night at Parker Canyon lake and when I woke up in the AM to piss I had to kick the doors open because they were frozen. this is the dash when I fired the truck up

Like Stan said, we saw a few bucks but nothing I wanted to smack that early in the game. Stan stayed the 2 days he could and had to go and do family duty back home. The next day was perfect weather, but no Mule deer, not even a doe. I took a 3 hour hike into a creek bed and jumped a couple dozen rat WT deer and one good buck at that. I messed around with the spotting scope too long and he got into the creek bottom and was gone. I think he was a 4X around 90inches. I would have shot him if I had the second Chance
The weekend came and the mearns hunters were everywhere and really messed the hunting up in the low grass lands. Here is one that I almost ran over!

The next morning I glassed some areas that I did the first day and came up with a heard of deer just into private. As I turned around to glass behind me here was this huge! i mean HUGE 3 point coming at me, but he had one side busted off:mad: damn!! that ended the morning. I went and did something that gay Miller would do and hit a nearby Winery and did some tasting of 8 samples for lunch. After that I headed to a new spot just to look it over for the evening hunt and had not much intention of seeing much as it was 70 degrees this day. Long story short, I am parked at the gate reading the sign trying to figure out if I can hunt this land and another truck rolls up with a hunter and his guide so I ask them and they say it is open to anyone with a hunting tag. We shoot the bull a little while, and all the sudden across the open grassland about 1/3 mile away this buck appears and is walking toward the fence. The Guide says they saw it first so they are going to make a go at him and start the truck to head down the 2 track to intercept him. I asked if they would mind if i just pull across the gate a little and get out in case they mess up on him and he come my way. The rest of that you can figure out... The buck was hauling ass full blown run (not the hop hop, but run) and headed my way now as they blew their stalk and I was standing with my tall shooting sticks making every noise known to man trying to stop him. As he got past me I thought fugg it, and threw the cross-hairs out in front of him and pulled the trigger. He was about 125 yards away, and I was blinded by the smoke, heard a loud WHACK! and a couple seconds later i am standing there going where the hell did he go?? The grass was nuts deep, and it was pretty flat and then I started thinking "did i just kill that thing?:eek::confused:
I reloaded, and just stood there waiting. The other guys now drive back into the section I am now in and walk up to me. I ask the guide the same thing as I have been asking myself "did i kill that thing?" He said he saw it one second, and it was gone the next and then heard my shot.
We waited 10 minutes, and I walked up there and there he was dead.


he has 2 little drops that are really cool but hard to see.
I work hard on my hunts, but sometimes just being persistent puts you in the right place at the right time I guess, and this was one of them. Sorry about the bloody photos but this was something that never happened to me before. I took a gallon of water out there (seen in picture) and washed his face off 4 times but the blood kept foaming out his nose like I never seen before, it just never stopped for probably 20 minutes! you can even see some on the ground where I tried to drag him away from the blood for the pictures. Anyone aver see that before:confused:
That second morning with Stan was funny, I will post the video of the illegals when I get time, it is funny. Stan, no way they were in the county 100 yards, more like 40.
I was waiting for Stan to get the AR15 out on them and I would have followed up with the 41mag but he said it was not worth the risk. we thought there was only 2 of them and when they ran they came out of the wood work! funny shit.
The night I headed back to Tucson I was stopped ata BP check point along the road and asked one guy if they got the ones I called in and they said they had a really good chance they were caught but the guy was not on the same shift so he did not know the answer for sure. I showed him the video and he laughed
Congrats on being at the right place at the right time. That is a good buck.

As for the blood, don't use water, grab handfuls of dirt and wipe the blood off. The "mud" will stop the flow and the dirt/mud doesn't look bad in the pictures.
Here is the video of the real trophy. Keep in mind the truck we are in is within 10 feet of the border. So how far did these guys make it into the US before we ruined their day?? The story about meeting the other hunter and his guide is funny as well. Stan told me to check out the coues WT forums and see if anyone can shed any light on some places to hunt MD in the 2 units I had to hunt. I put a post on there that said if anyone would like to share a camp spot for safety reasons to drop me a line. A guy from MN replied by PM and said he would be down there as well but hired an outfitter for the hunt and would call me if he got something. Well as I was talking with these guys I met at the gate, they asked where i was from and after I said WI the guy asked "are you schmalts?" I almost shit! this was the guy from MN and his guide. What a small world.
Anyway, I felt bad he did not get a chance at the buck (his fault though) and told them if they needed another set of eyes to help find him a deer I was available for 2 days. That night I went into Tucson to get the meat frozen and cape taken care of then slept in a real bed at a buddies Dad's house. I got up the next day at 4AM, drove back down there and took those guys to one of the spots I found. Long story short the guy whacked a decent 4x4 and made as great of a shot as anyone could with a MUZZ. I ranged him at 242 yards and the guy put one shot perfect into the second last rib and out the neck. I am not going to post photos until I ask if he wants me to or not. So even if I did not get lucky on the deer I got I probably would have got the one he did in the end. It was fun to go and do an assist on another buck and I got some video but I messed up and jumped bad at the shot and did not have my tripod so it turned out like crap.
Very nice buck! Looks like some fun country to hunt. You didn't happen to have a scattergun and try for any quail did you?
Caribou Gear

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