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More anti-public land rhetoric coming to MT


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2015

MT I'll hand it to you, you have a knack for finding people from other states who really believe they know what Montanans believe. Ole Timmy been there all of 9 years, I'm sure he's got it all figured out. I mean, he did buy into the ranching life.

MT I'll hand it to you, you have a knack for finding people from other states who really believe they know what Montanans believe. Ole Timmy been there all of 9 years, I'm sure he's got it all figured out. I mean, he did buy into the ranching life.
No kidding! From where did this guy emerge? His platform seems to be, "Get this woke crap out of the military!" and "Tester is AWOL." What a crock! Both Senators Daines and Tester are truly Montanans who are everywhere and all the time all over Montana. Both, although with some differing opinions, seem to have a good understanding of Montana's pulse.

Yes, the "transfer" public lands position fully reflects his cluelessness!
Sounds like either personal opinion or informed through an adviser, he took an ill-advised policy stance. Pretty much all public opinion data shows public land transfer is overwhelmingly unpopular in Montana and most of the west. Standing by for the HuntTalk caucus to trash another former Navy SEAL for not being "Montana enough".
Sounds like either personal opinion or informed through an adviser, he took an ill-advised policy stance. Pretty much all public opinion data shows public land transfer is overwhelmingly unpopular in Montana and most of the west. Standing by for the HuntTalk caucus to trash another former Navy SEAL for not being "Montana enough".
They only blasted Zinke because they didn’t know he was a SEAL because he never reminded them or talked about it.
He did figure out that Montanas give a bump just for being a SEAL.
As any American in any state damn well should. At a minimum it shows he’s willing to lay it all on the line for the ungrateful citizens of this nation. He checks the boxes for dedication, perseverance, commitment, and loyalty to name a few. As he’s demonstrated, a guy like that can do anything he puts his mind to. We should consider ourselves lucky to have someone of that caliber willing to serve in the civilian side of government. I know, I know…he’s been successful outside of the military too…some people seem think that we should elect losers. Oh, it gets better though…he was born in Bozeman, back when it was Montana. So, the place of his birth can’t be used to drag him through the mud. As if he had a choice in that anyway. Doesn’t that alone make him “a Montanan?”

Is someone like AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Ilan Omar, Fetterman, or Kamala Harris a better example of a leader?
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dedication, perseverance, commitment, and loyalty to name a few.
He quit his last job less than two years in because he had so many ethics inquiries even the Trump administration thought he became a liability. Montanans talk about how bad the government and politicians are, so they penalized Zinke by voting him in as a House Representative. Maybe they thought just punishment was having to deal with Rosendale on a daily basis. 🤷‍♂️
And still, Montana now filled with a bunch of transplants and legacy conservatives fortified in their positions by [the Yellowstone fantasy land], believing Rs are the only way to the delusional panacea they’ve been prescribed to desire, he’ll probably win.
There you go @Nameless Range. Kevin Costner and crew putting our purple state in the grave.
There you go @Nameless Range. Kevin Costner and crew putting our purple state in the grave.
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Rereading what I wrote, it's a little bit cynical.

I still think it likely that Tester is done - his very difficult path to reelection as much a product of his political party of choice having sold its soul, as it is a product of transplants and internet-prescribed politicization of the masses. Guilt by association.

I don't know if the purple Montana of my youth is even desirable any more - the colors necessary for the combination, seeming today to be poisoned beyond belief. Rather, as unlikely has hell as it is, I would love some "colorless" folks to come along. Partyless Montanans. I know it's a pipe dream.
Rereading what I wrote, it's a little bit cynical.

I still think it likely that Tester is done - his very difficult path to reelection as much a product of his political party of choice having sold its soul, as it is a product of transplants and internet-prescribed politicization of the masses. Guilt by association.

I don't know if the purple Montana of my youth is even desirable any more - the colors necessary for the combination, seeming today to be poisoned beyond belief. Rather, as unlikely has hell as it is, I would love some "colorless" folks to come along. Partyless Montanans. I know it's a pipe dream.
I think that's fair. I'd still call purple desirable, but not doable. Those two colors aren't what they were, and I like your word choice: poison. When the State's new right is running the former head of the RNC, Marc Racicot, out on a rail, and the new left is, well, just kinda absent or sitting somewhere on a park bench in Missoula playing a banjo, then it's hard to imagine them working together to get anything done.

Montanans need to stop making transplants as the whole a problem, and figure out ways to introduce them to our culture (and not the yellowstone fantasy) and not alienate them. They show up beating the drum of their national politics, and I think there's ways to introduce them to what we all hold dear without attributing it to a political stance. I've been giving this some serious thought of late after this article: the majority of Montanans are now not born in Montana. Our governor and one of our representatives are transplants. This isn't changing, but if we want to hold on to what we, born and raised Montanans, care about, then we need to educate. Pipe dreams abound...
I think that's fair. I'd still call purple desirable, but not doable. Those two colors aren't what they were, and I like your word choice: poison. When the State's new right is running the former head of the RNC, Marc Racicot, out on a rail, and the new left is, well, just kinda absent or sitting somewhere on a park bench in Missoula playing a banjo, then it's hard to imagine them working together to get anything done.

Montanans need to stop making transplants as the whole a problem, and figure out ways to introduce them to our culture (and not the yellowstone fantasy) and not alienate them. They show up beating the drum of their national politics, and I think there's ways to introduce them to what we all hold dear without attributing it to a political stance. I've been giving this some serious thought of late after this article: the majority of Montanans are now not born in Montana. Our governor and one of our representatives are transplants. This isn't changing, but if we want to hold on to what we, born and raised Montanans, care about, then we need to educate. Pipe dreams abound...
I mean I get being positive but that's taking it into the deep end of disillusionment. Those transplants moved there for a reason and it sure wasn't because they were open to alternative cultures...
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