Moosie, Let me just say...

Speaking of running dirt on MM. Has anyone else noticed all the advertising cookies you get at MM ? I recently up graded my computer spyware. Before, all I knew was when I went on line, I always ended up with some tracking bugs to deleat. Now the new program tells me the second they hop on board. Yup, thats right, they all seem to comes from our Utard friends at MM. You think founder wants to know where I buy all my hunting DVDs, or just how much time I spend on Hunt Talk ?
Well guess what? one got nuked here today in the deer section. What happened to the post i put up about my muley mount?
Hmm... Miller says something about peanut butter and the post gets nuked?
Fess up, who did it and why?

Schmalts, We lost 1 1/2 days of Posting when We tried to upload the new software. there was an Error in the script and we had to go back to an archive. Just for clarification incase ou didn't know that yet :)
Just got a Funny PM from a poster at

Anyways, Reminded me of this post, Break out the Cyber Muscles boyz !!! :D
Might give it away who it is but It was a Funny PM and I don't think it was too Private so I'll share.

I had to laugh, because it's True. I've been nuked so much on lately my head spins :p

*singing* You go-oot go-oot nuuu-uuuked! lol I'm sure you're used to it on MM though, right?
What I've learned in a short amount of time....

You can say Frick Boobs on MM if you're innocent RM Roy, but you can't give a little sexual advice and say "FRICK BOOBS been there done that".

You can't say "Britney Spears' naked beaver is ugly"

You can't say Doyle Moss either. a.k.a He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and Lord Mossback.

Don't say chute plane, either.

What else am I missin'? lol