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Montana Public Land Hunt Advise


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Orion, MI
I am from the Midwest and want to start planning a trip for my first Mule Deer hunt in Montana. I'm looking for advise on where apply for and hunt. It will be myself and my brother and both of us are young and athletic and will have little trouble climbing and hiking. It will be an archery hunt. Just wondering if there are places I should shoot for and others I should avoid.
Apply for the general tag and you will have more places to hunt than you could ever imagine. And most of the best bucks taken each year are taken on general tags, with a few exceptions.

Your non-resident deadline is March 15th. If you draw, post on here or send me a PM and I can give you about 2 million acres of places to go searching. No guarantees, but you will have a lot of fun in the process.
Public Land


I am from Central Montana and there is a ton, and I do mean a ton of public land in MT. Some critics say that Montana does not manage well for trophy animals, which is true due to the fact that they open the hunt during the rut. However, how many other states have general tags for deer and elk and the public land to boast along with them? I can tell you there are some, but not many. Montana is one of those places that you can pick up a tag and go hunting in any corner of the state you like. They are 2nd in national forest acreage and have millions of state trust land, along with many BMA programs. What I'm getting at is you should have no problem finding a decent deer here in MT.

Like Big Fin said though, watch the deadlines for out-of-state applications cause they can creep up on you. Best of luck in your endeavor!!!

Sorry - I got so caught up in how much land there is I forgot to tell you of some decent places. If you are archery hunting than I would recommend the Rocky Mountain Front. There is tons of national forest and it is rugged country. You will want to backpack hunt, or at the very least camp at the end of the line. There is some monster bucks on the front.

Another bonus is that most of the hunters on the front will be looking for elk and not deer. I would recommend getting on Google Earth (My daughter thinks Google Earth is a cuss word due to my wife's outbursts about me being on there again :)) and finding some good areas. The front is vast but if you do some research you can get into some great deer hunting and still have the potential to shoot a monster. They are still there!

Best of luck

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