Many Thanks.

Yes. Thank you to Randy and everyone who makes an effort to keep what we have for now and future generations. Reading about these issues here inspired me to make lots of calls and emails the past few years.
Whether they are hunters, fishermen, or bird-watchers, public land users are lucky to have an advocate like Randy on their side. Thank you Randy.

I like this quote:

Newberg said he and other hunters are willing to “kick the ass of Congress so hard that they’ll have to drop their drawers to floss their teeth” if they pursue the issue.

Also, this is a message far too few people realize:

I would throw out there that one of the greatest gifts that America gave the world was the concept of public lands,” Newberg said

Amen to that.
Yes, thank you Randy. It's really refreshing to see someone who is ethical and knowledgeable about wildlife conservation in the spotlight for a change.

It always amazes me at the at the flak you take for representing us. You have the patience of Mother Teresa, I probably would have had to choke someone by now if I had to put up with 1/10 of what you do.
Kudos Randy and thanks!

What I took away from the comment section from that article is that some MT born boys want you to go back to Minnesota. :)
Coming from a state with no public land, I was surprised by this concept. But it's a great thing. Thanks for fighting for it, Randy (and the many others on this forum)!
I can't say it enough how much the effort that men like Randy do for the good of us ALL! Thanks Randy!
Gracias, aka Much Obliged!
But then I'm heading to an FWP "listening" session here shortly, which ordinarily I might ask sympathy for, or at least joke about many hunters being somewhat deaf, but...
We'll see how that goes.
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