Longest Bow Shot?


New member
Sep 21, 2011
1. What is the longest bow shot you would take?

2. Would you ever take a shot longer than you have your longest pin set at? (a 60 yard shot with your longest pin at 50 yards?)

I feel like 50 yards is the maximum distance I would shoot an elk at, I would never shoot at an animal outside my pin range, don't care how big it is. Plus, getting close to these things during archery season is the fun/thrill of it all. I'm sure some guys disagree and have the skill to drop a bull at further distances.

My brother had a really, really nice 7 point at 65 yards (has his longest pin set at 60) and didn't take the shot. He sat there with his bow drawn and contemplated letting it fly for a couple minutes until he made the personal choice of it was not the right thing to do.
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120 yards is my max. But I regularly practice out to 180 yards so I'm ok. It makes me a more ethical hunter in the end when I blood trail something down 2 miles or so.
You're right, getting close to the quarry is the challenge and the excitement of bow hunting. I would love to have a 10 yard pin and that be the only one I ever use. That said though, my bottom pin is 70 yards. However, conditions would have to be perfect for me to attempt that shot.

It will be interesting to see how quickly this thread gets out of hand--distance/outfitter v. oyo/public v. private threads always do :rolleyes:
60yds is the farthest I would shoot. I really want to get withing 40yds no matter what anyways. Have never had to take a shot past 40 so far.
I practice out to 70 yards on a regular basis and feel that is my max range. However... I did call an elk into range a few years back and shot him at less than 25 yards. He ran out there and stopped at 86 yards, so I put my 70 yard pin on his back and drilled him again. To me, if an animal is still standing, hit 'em again...rifle or bow! He went maybe 10 more yards and piled up. If that had been my first shot, I wouldn't have taken it though.
The furtherest I have ever shot an animal was 23 yards, a couple were less than 5 yards. I will take a 30 yards shot though. But that`s all you need sitting in an oak tree in NC! :D
70 is my max on an elk even though I'd feel confident out to 80 under the right conditions. Those conditions are very rare and I had to pass on a 70 yard opportunity the other day on a mature bull because the conditions weren't perfect for that shot. Honestly if you practice a lot with your bow a 70 yard shot on an elk is very doable. Look at Ulmer's 2" 100 yard group. Ideally I like to be inside 50 yards though and will always strive to get as close as possible. The further your comfortable shooting the easier it will be to get a shot though.
I practice in 10 yard increments out to 50 yards. I do not think I would attempt a shot beyond that although I am quite good to 50 yards. Last year I had a smaller bull at 50+. I have never shot anything with my bow so I was sorely tempted. In the end, it was too far, too dark, too little. Too little should not be criteria but, had it been a 400 class bull I hate to think what I might have done.
On an Elk 40 yards would be my max, a deer maybe 50. I do practice longer shots and use a single pin sight set at 30 yards. I know where to hold the pin from 10 yards to 50. It can be dialed out to 110. I would put a second arrow into an animal out to 70 yards if I knew for sure that I hit him with the first one.
Where I live you almost never have a shot over 30 yds unless your hunting a field edge....I routinely practice at 50 because I have the access to and it makes my 20 yarder pretty routine. If I was hunting the west 50 to 60 would be my personal max......:cool:
I like to keep it under 40. That being said I think there are few guys out there who can shoot out to 60 as accurately as I can shoot 40. It's all the variables that I worry about.
Thanks for the heads up. Simply stating that some guys can shoot extremely accurately at long ranges. I swear when I looked in the mirror yesterday I looked like Ulmer. Good thing you straightened me out.

No problem, it's what I do best. I'm happy you are also a 1 in a million shot like Ulmer.
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