PEAX Equipment

Loaning out gear


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2005
Anyone dumb enough to loan out something of value?

I know the rule. Don't do it if you expect it back at 100%. But dam, it hurts.

I have a Swaro spotter eye piece that looks like there is a big drop of water in it. I know it is the eye piece cause I put it on another scope.

Has not gone away in 2 weeks. Have not sent it back yet.:confused:

Even had the loanee look through through it and he didn't mention it might have been him|oo|oo|oo

What do you do then?:BLEEP:
Out of curiosity, what would have to happen to a scope to get the water in there?
I just looked through it again. It actually looks like an air bubble. Kinda like seeing a raaly small bubble looking into a fish tank.

I am gonna stop whinnning and get it sent back. I still have the original box it came in.
damn! lifestyles of the rich and the famous! Their always complaining ;)

I'll retry here.

"I know it is the eye piece cause I put it on another friends scope".

More like poor and infamous.:)

I bought that scope when I made myself stop dipping Copenhagen, with a vow to sell it pennies on the $ if I ever had another dip. It has got me nearly 900 days now without that crap. Very happy.

If you see me dipping get out you wallet and it is yours.
I bought that scope when I made myself stop dipping Copenhagen, with a vow to sell it pennies on the $ if I ever had another dip

Dink I'll give ya a benjamin and a case of cope for it.;)

I honestly don't mind loaning gear to good's just stuff & can be replaced.
I've loaned rifles, my spotter, and vehicles. All expect one have been returned in great condition. I've borrowed a vehicles, and a few items and will always return it in good condition.

I loaned a vehicle once to some friends for a week. They saw it as a free ride (literally)and went road tripping halfway across the US and back. Two weeks later, no word from them, so I had to go get my vehicle back. It was a mess inside with fast food wrappers, trash, pop cans, etc.....They asked to borrow again a few months later. It was awkward but I declined. They had not a clue what was expected when I loaned it to them.
I have loaned and been loaned to. Mostly good results-except knives, they never seem to come back. Don't think you will have any problem getting the swaro fixed, good rep there!
I had a guy come in and asked to borrow my Thompson Encore .50 cal so his son could use it first year muzzleloading. I told him I needed a thousand dollar deposit. I only loan shit to my kids.
I bought that scope when I made myself stop dipping Copenhagen, with a vow to sell it pennies on the $ if I ever had another dip. It has got me nearly 900 days now without that crap. Very happy.

If you see me dipping get out you wallet and it is yours.

I'll PM you my address to send the scope...
I've loaned out a few things and get them back in good shape except for when my buddies dog ate my waders so now I'm wait for the replacements.
When I was 16 I went on a bear hunt in Eastern Oregon with a family friend. I lived near Portland, Oregon and it was my very first hunt. I was stoked to shoot something but not coming from a hunting family my parents were worried about anything and everything about bear hunting.

They got my uncle to loan me his GPS unit so I wouldn't get lost. That was 13 years ago, so handheld GPS stuff was pretty new and expensive, at least that's how it sounded when it got handed to me by my uncle with the "don't break this" look on his face.

First day of the Spring hunt we were trying to get up a logging road and got my buddy's pickup stuck in a snowbank. AFter a couple of hours of not getting it out it was determined that I would walk the several miles back to the last house and try and get some help getting us unstuck. Took that GPS in my fannypack with some snacks and stuff and headed on my way.

Got to some guys house and he said he could help us out but that it would be a little bit as he had to get ready for the day. Somehow, while waiting I left that damn fannypack sitting on a bench around the corner of his house, go back to get it and it was gone! Found it empty and torn up about 40 yards away and his dogs were munching on my jerky! Panic set in as I scrambled looking for that thing and finally found it safe and sound.

Long story to get to the point I know, but I hate borrowing stuff and only will if I can afford to fix/replace it. I'll loan something out if I trust the guy and he understands that he has to fix/replace it if he screws it up.

Oh yeah, that first night the guy I was with got really sick and we ended up picking up camp and driving home through the night on day 1 of a 5 day hunt. He ended up having both bronchitis and pneumonia. Puss.
I was talking to an acquaintence this morning he loaned his Diesel Pickup out to a friend of his to go to Maine to pick up his boat. The truck is still in Maine with a blown motor, and the borrower feels it is not his fault or problem. In fact he is complaining that he had to pay someone to haul his boat back to NJ.

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