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Life's advice and phrases....

Like Randy I have a board by my desk with quotes.

The first is a Bookmark given out at my Great Aunt's funeral. I believe it was picked out specifically for me before she died. it reads "Adversity introduces man to himself" -Unknown

The other is a quote given out at a industry colleagues funeral.

This is a hand written message on the back of all of Lou's yearly planners "Dissapointments [sic] are inevitable. Misery is optional"
Great thread! Laughter, hope, and lots of thought after reading them.

One of my favorites: "Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." -- Dr. Seuss

Festus, my mom also said, "The first bird get's the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!"

Our family motto this year is "All in"
"there's more than one donkey at the fair named Martin"

- the French version of more than one way to skin a cat
I dropped a couple from grandma, now it’s time for a couple from grandpa...

“Well kid, the older I get the smarter I used to be.” Usually in response to my latest “idea.”

“Man, that dinner was so good I’m going to have to lick my armpit to get the taste out of my mouth!”
I thought I was a badass when I came home from Desert Storm and kept dropping the F bomb at my grandmom's house. She finally told me that if I said it again she'd knock me out of my chair.....well, I did and ended up on the floor with her standing over me with her finger in my face and she said...I bet you won't say that again
"It's impossible, but I'm going to do it anyway" eight year old sister trying to tie her hat strings under her chin while my dad careened the VW Microbus along a dusty bumpy Rift Valley road. It became a family rallying call .

"I wonder who we will see today when we go into town" mom as we were loading up the car to go do some shopping in downtown Nairobi. And we generally would see some movie star walking along or sitting at an outdoor cafe. She still says it today as we are going to the mall, no matter what town we are doing our shopping.....and we usually see someone we know.

"Be situationally aware"..... me to my teenagers (and their friends) as they are going out for the evening. At first they thought it was annoying, but now they feel like I haven't done my job of saying goodbye as they walk out the door if I haven't reminded them to keep a watch out for trouble.
Good stuff.

My Grampa Duke told me quite often when I was younger-
“There’s no modesty in your family, you got it all”
“Don’t break your hand patting yourself on your back”

There is a singer-songwriter, Tim Barry, that I enjoy, and at one of his shows, before playing a song for a late friend he said something like this-
“I’ve heard you live two lives. One is this one right now, and the second is the one where your loved ones tell others about this one. Make damn sure you’re livin’ so others tell your story for a long time”
"Worry is a misuse of imagination."

"If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong."

“I’d rather die while I’m living than live while I’m dead.”

And from the infamous Red Green: "If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy." Note: definitely NOT on Big Fin's list of favorites!
Ole Red Green was top notch....

Another from my mom "The more I learn and less I know"
Another version was offered up this winter after a short caving trip, we emerged into the snow, and she sat at the entrance having a smoke. Talked about how she appreciated a snow covered landscape as it is the only thing that's really black and white.
You will never know, how much it cost the present Generation, to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make a good Use of it... - John Adams
I thought I was a badass when I came home from Desert Storm and kept dropping the F bomb at my grandmom's house. She finally told me that if I said it again she'd knock me out of my chair.....well, I did and ended up on the floor with her standing over me with her finger in my face and she said...I bet you won't say that again
My father by his desk has this meme:


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