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Just So We Are All Clear on Rubio's Desire to Sell Public Lands


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Rubio is a bit more nuanced and not as "in your face" as Cruz is with selling My Public Lands, let's not forget that Rubio is just as committed to selling My Public Lands as Cruz and the rest of the GOP.

Rubio's Interview with DesMoines Register

If you don't want to click on the video, here is the quote:

“I most certainly believe that the federal government controls far too much land in the Western parts of the United States especially,” Rubio told the Des Moines Register’s editorial board. “The state of Nevada is an example — it’s almost entirely owned by the federal government. And it goes well beyond the legitimate need of land ownership for defense purposes, for example.”

Yes, "legitimate need for defense purposes" is a dog-whistle to the nut case "constitutional conservatives" that want to end hunting in the West.

And, if you care to actually go to his website and read his "Energy Policy", you can see his first promise:
Empower States and Tribes to Control Onshore Energy Development Within Their Borders
Linky-Link to Rubio's Website

More from his website:
Making the best use of America’s energy resources provides abundant opportunities for high-paying jobs, many of which don’t even require a college degree. Marco will allow states to oversee energy production on federal lands, cut back on job-killing EPA regulations, and more

Which, Rubio's positions directly line up with the GOP platform.

Experience has shown that, in caring for the land and water, private ownership has been our best guarantee of conscientious stewardship, while the worst instances of environmental degradation have occurred under government control. By the same token, the most economically advanced countries – those that respect and protect private property rights – also have the strongest environmental protections, because their economic progress makes possible the conservation of natural resources. In this context, Congress should reconsider whether parts of the federal government’s enormous landholdings and control of water in the West could be better used for ranching, mining, or forestry through private ownership. Timber is a renewable natural resource, which provides jobs to thousands of Americans. All efforts should be made to make federal lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service available for harvesting. The enduring truth is that people best protect what they own.

Linky-link to the GOP.com platform
Jose isn't worried about little Marco, he's merely ad hominem'ing for the sake of those who haven't read the other dozen or so threads here about the GOP's public land platform.
Jose isn't worried about little Marco, he's merely ad hominem'ing for the sake of those who haven't read the other dozen or so threads here about the GOP's public land platform.

Jose just being himself. Nothing new.
Rubio is an establishment hack, his only hope at thi spoint is waiting to grab some scrap from the RNC table at the convention.
The enduring truth is that people best protect what they own.
Yep and we ALL own public land. Little Marco, bless his heart.....
I sincerely appreciate JoseCuervo's posts. He is certainly well-informed, well-intentioned, well-versed and well educated. I am not being sarcastic, just wanted him to be recognized for his thoughtful contributions to the mix. I always look forward to your comments, JC, honestly.
Pequeno marcito is seven months away from being a disgraced, unemployed, former-politician, wannabe establishment RINO hack.
I sincerely appreciate JoseCuervo's posts. He is certainly well-informed, well-intentioned, well-versed and well educated. I am not being sarcastic, just wanted him to be recognized for his thoughtful contributions to the mix. I always look forward to your comments, JC, honestly.

You're either his 6th troll account or really never read any of his posts prior to joining the site
Wow, never been a troll before.... Read lots of posts, including his. He is mostly on the complete other side of who and what I am. But if you never listen to other points of view, it just seems to me that you stop learning. The older I get, the less afraid I am to admit I am wrong or don't know something. Often, opposing opinions actually help me solidify mt own. But hey, what do I know, being a troll and all.....

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