after missing a nice buck with a 7 mm at 175 yrds standing broad side.(think i shot over him...just leave it alone!)....i was given another chance at him on friday the 13th.....this time i was able to connect....maybe it was the fact that he was only 60 yrds this time.....but i think it was my determination to get him that caused his demise, that and sum hot lead.....he came running out of the woods at full speed, dont know what spooked him but he was scootin...i put the croos hairs on him and followed him...when he got directly in the middle of the field i gave a lil whistle....he slamed on the brakes and looked right at me...KA-BLAM WHOP!...he ran 250 yrds across the field and another 50 yrds in the woods...he's a good eight pointer...
ill post sum pix when i get-um back.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-14-2002 09:25: Message edited by: JB ]</font>
ill post sum pix when i get-um back.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-14-2002 09:25: Message edited by: JB ]</font>