Caribou Gear Tarp

Insoles.. What do you use?

Thought I would touch on this as I just replaced my insoles in my Kenetreks with the Sole brand. What a difference they make. Can't speak for the other brands, but these seem to work pretty good. Maybe they put the crappy insoles in there so you have a choice of what you want to use when you get them. How thoughtful.
Thought I would touch on this as I just replaced my insoles in my Kenetreks with the Sole brand. What a difference they make. Can't speak for the other brands, but these seem to work pretty good. Maybe they put the crappy insoles in there so you have a choice of what you want to use when you get them. How thoughtful.
+1. I use the same brand. I always found it interesting that Kenetrek sold aftermarket insoles... That's the worst part of their boot IMO.
Green superfeet have worked for me for years. Put them in now and start doing some rigorous hiking uphill, downhill, cross-slope trails and bushwhacking in snow, ice, water, mud, dust, rocks, all the wild outdoor elements. Keep them clean and waterproof them every chance. Your feet will thank you.
I have been using superfeet green model now for a couple years and they are pretty nice.
Wore out the pinks?

Now we're back on track!

But by the way for those that complain about the insoles that come in most boots, you should understand that there is a reason. Most companies put a very generic insole, usually a "cheap" foam one with minimal arch support because it works "well enough" for the widest range of people. For example, if someone with a very low or flat arch were to wear a boot that had ANY extra arch support, their foot would be in extreme pain within 30 minutes, and on a long hunt would be effectively crippled, where as someone with a higher arch can get by with less arch support, although it would be ideal to have more.

This is why most companies but a generic insole in their boots, and allow the customer to upgrade if needed. If you want to know what its like to have more arch in a sole then what your foot can handle, try putting an extra half inch of anything under arch and stand on it for an hour.:)
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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