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Idaho november deer hunt


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2011
Hodale, Idaho
Ok guys first of all thanks to all of you who helped and took time out of your day to answer my stupid questions.

A very short story of my wife(crystal) and I on our quest for two big muleys
So we scouted for about 20 days this summer we had a great time saw elk everywhere but no 200" deer.hear are a few pics of scouting


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When it came time to hunt I still had a bum knee so the plain was crystal would push the canyons and go on all of the longer hikes on her own while I would glass all of the areas we found while scoutting. I had decided that I would shoot first to put meat in the freezer so crystal could trophy hunt (it was her year and she had earned the biggest deer we could find) on the 2nd day we hunted i was working through an area a fellow hunt talker had shown me (thanks aaron) when I stumbled upon a good buck with almost 20 does and took the opportunity he only went about 10 yards and my tag was punched. I lost all of my feld photos so this is a quick phone pic of him. to be continued.......


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That is a smoker buck!! I'm glad I could help you out. I can't wait to catch up with you and see if you got him in a specific patch I told you about. I'm stoked for you man!! Can't wait to see the photo of your wife's buck ;)
With one deer in the freezer it was official crystal was trophy hunting for the next 4 days we saw a few more good deer one big 3x4 that she said she was squeezing the trigger on when i said it was only a 3pt she put her gun down looked at me and said nope not the right deer. Needless to say i was very proud of her. these are pics of a few deer that she passed on in the following days. I was starting to regret shooting so early.


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Great buck, and good luck!
> I passed on 2 different deer very similiar here to season ended yesterday waiting for a dandy, and I am eating tag soup. I hate that.
elkmagnet....great one for someone hunting to "put meat in the freezer". Way better than a freezer- filler. Hope the knee continues to heal.
A few more pics of the deer she passed on. The deer were really chasing and I just knew we would see a good deer any day. She was starting to experience one of the lowest lows in hunting regretting passing on an animal on the days when you dont see anything.


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Sorry for being such a horn tease time for the good pics.After hunting our tails off all week my unkle came up to scout and help glass well on his way home that night he spotted a good buck in an area we had hunted that same day. When he got to the valley he called and left a message on my voice mail well it took 2 days for me to get service and hear the message. With nothing to loose we made a plain to hunt their that evening and sure enough we spotted a great buck. After spending all this time field judging deer looking at fork depth, tine length, spread, and so on when I saw this deer I didnt field judge him at all i just knew he was the one we were after. and all I said to crystal was shoot that deer she grabed her gun and she was off. After a short stalk she got to about 60yds away, hot on a doe he didnt seem to care I watched her get a rest and squeeze he jumped went in a circle and then he was down. When we walked up to him crystal started to shake and her eyes were tearing up. Then she started to jump arround and I realized this was one of my happiest hunting memories. In the pics you can see why we call her pretty gun in our hunting camp.


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Those are two great bucks! I have a unit 40 tag still in my wallet. I've seen a few bucks like the ones she passed on but still haven't found the one I'm looking for. The one she shot would definitely fit the bill!! Congrats! I plan to get out one more time before it closes Thursday.
Wow!! What a great couple of bucks!! Congrats to you both!! You guys earned those!!
toad of a buck, congrats, them wive's are so lucky, 2 years ago my wife drew a tag down that way.. got a 170" toad..... congrats too her, your buck is a rock'n deer also....
Congrats to both of you! Sounds like you guys had a great time together and both got really nice deer. Awesome you got to experience it with your wife.

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