Idaho Gobblers.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2004
Well a few of us from work finally headed up for the annual turkey hunt. We did really well this year with the taking of 3 birds in 2 days. There is one guy left that needs to get his bird and he had a full day left to hunt. We called in so many birds it wasn't funny. WileCoyote and I had 6 toms gobbling less then 15 yeards from us for a good 30 minutes trying to figure out what was going on. WileCoyote would of been done the first day out but a low hanging limb blocked any shot he had. It was alright because the next morning we came in and had one of the best mornings I've had while turkey hunting. I put up my double bull blind and 4 of us sat in it and watched the show. WileCoyote started the killing off with a 45 yard shot. Chops also shot but was unable to connect on his bird.

With bird one down we went to look for others. I spotted a big tom strutting his stuff up a valley and headed up solo for him. I've noticed, though not as fun, that the best way to get these older toms when hen'd up is to ambush them. I was in position and waited for about 1 hour before the tom presented a shot. I had his hens less then 5 yards around me for 45 minutes and was lucky enough to not get pegged. Spurs are a hair under 1" and sports an 8.5" bird.


We spotted this guy in a bad spot for a setup in the evening so we let him live for another night.

But the next morning he wouldn't be so lucky. Nice mature tom with a paintbrush for a beard but only 6" long with a little under 1" spurs. Congrats Scott.

Good luck Chops and hopefully you guys will get his bird to cap off an awesome weekend.

We also saw 7 bears on the first day out. Here is the only pics I got of ones that were less then 60 yards away.

NO such luck on Chops' bird although we should have made a move sooner yesterday afternoon on 3 birds a loooooong ways away. This was by far the best hunting trip I've had. Like IDBugler said, we had 6 jakes gobbling their heads off right in front of us but I had no shot due to tree limbs and tree placement :D . If I would have had a shot I think all 6 would have been taken out in 1 shot since they hung together like prairie dogs.

IdahoBugler's bird was fun to watch because as everything unfolded, we questioned whether he would actually get a shot at that dang tom. A few times we wondered why he hadn't taken a shot and the suspense was killing us. I remember watching through the spotting scope and watching a flopping bird then hearing the sound of the shot. Pretty neat stuff! It's a super nice bird with an excellent ending.

Scott's turkey was kind of a disappointment. We heard him gobble time and time again and missed it once he was in turkey heaven :). It's neat to see the color differences between IDBugler's tom and that of Scott's. Idaho Merriam's are sure nice looking but tougher than all get out birds to hunt on public land. Fortuately we came away with 3 nice birds out of 4 possible tags but good times were had by all.

4 grown men in a Double Bull blind is also pretty cozy as well, let me tell you. Talk about male bonding! Thanks guys on a fantastic weekend!
Nice work Idbugler. Truer merriams colored birds like yours are getting harder and harder to find in ID. "Mutts" abound.
Congrats Bugler and Company...... Sound like a great hunt and some nice birds!!:D

Nice to see bugler wearing something other that tennis shoes...I just can't help but look each time you post for some odd reason...;)
I've been hunted with the Idaho Bugler for over 10 years. One thing about him is he can hunt. So this weekend would not have been as good without him on the team. So thanks for all the help IDBugler. Also WileCoyte was correct on how cozy we were in that blind.

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