PEAX Equipment

Hurt my leg today.....

You guys pretty sore? Congrats on the follow thru. Didn't see many smilers in those pics Oscar....cept for spud man (130).
Nice job guys! You guys both smoked me. I came in at 2 hrs 32min. The heat was a killer on the way up the hill. I had so much sweat and sunscreen in my eyes I could barely keep them open. My finish was similar to Buglers. I drank a chocolate milk and managed to get down 1/2 a beer before my stomach started rolling. I think by December I will forget how hard it was and want to sign up again for next year. In some sick way, it was pretty fun! :)
I was smiling... Here is the video of Me Finishing !!!

Go to -5.56 in the video. I'm wearing the Yellow. If you listen he says my name TWICE as I finish. I should have done more Cerimonial Hip thrusts but I have to admit I was a little pooped ;)

I'm Also smiling here :

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BRD DAWG... FAR from "smoked ya". I think with the heat it slowed everyone down. I'm not going to wait till December to forget about it though. I think I'm ready to register again. I'm dumb and don't have a good memory. I'll see you next year on the race. We'll both have better times !!!

The video was kind of cool. The guy that came in behond me tried to show the spirt with his "arm dance" if you watched it. I always thought a Flip over the end would be cool but I've never learned to do one. Ahhhh well.

I'm taking today and Monday off then it's on to training again. I'm going to hit the Boise I.M. 70.3. The youth at church are going to do a Water station which will be fun to see them. I'll be happy when THATS all over though. June 12th, Bring it !!!!
Great job guys, And Moosie, you did well for a fat dude! ;) So whats next? going to do some more events this year?
I'm going to do the Boise Iron Man. It's the 70.3 miler, not the "full" one.... but for a Fat guy, thats a long Arsh way !!! I actually signed up for the I.M. race first, then Bugler wanted to run Robie and Talked me into it. That's why I've been taunting him. He blames me but he's the reason we did it :p . It was a mid point of my training for the Ironman so I figured it would be a good challenge.

The bike portion (Your favorite part) is 56 Miles of the 70.3 miles. I figure at 18.5 MPH average thats....3 Hours on a bike. Yikes !!!! The Swim is Only 1.2 Miles so Thats 40 mins in the water and the Run after is 13.1 miles so on flat ground at around 2h15mins of running ?

So 6+ Hours of fun.... you should come out and Join me !!!
... so I figured it would be a good challenge.

The bike portion (Your favorite part) is 56 Miles of the 70.3 miles. I figure at 18.5 MPH average thats....3 Hours on a bike. Yikes !!!! The Swim is Only 1.2 Miles so Thats 40 mins in the water and the Run after is 13.1 miles so on flat ground at around 2h15mins of running ?

So 6+ Hours of fun.... you should come out and Join me !!!

I thought I was in decent shape... However, simply reading the above exhausted the hell out of me!

Congrats on the recent finish guys!
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Congrats guys. I drove by on my way back from baseball games. It looked like a zoo down there.

I'm planning to run it next year to celebrate my 40th birthday.
Nice work, fellas. Congrats on the finish. I heard it was a wee bit hot for this time of year.

Moosie, you better get on your bike and start pedaling that thing around. Only 53 days left...
The bike portion (Your favorite part) is 56 Miles of the 70.3 miles. I figure at 18.5 MPH average thats....3 Hours on a bike. Yikes !!!! The Swim is Only 1.2 Miles so Thats 40 mins in the water and the Run after is 13.1 miles so on flat ground at around 2h15mins of running ?

So 6+ Hours of fun.... you should come out and Join me !!!

I would love to, but I am not brave enough to see if my knees would handle running these days. Even had trouble when I was younger. Find an all out bike event and maybe I would come out, but you would kick my azz if it was at any altitude!! I am a flat lander you know, i dwell at 970 feet
I'm going to do the Boise Iron Man.

The bike portion (Your favorite part) is 56 Miles of the 70.3 miles. I figure at 18.5 MPH average thats....3 Hours on a bike.

So 6+ Hours of fun.... you should come out and Join me !!!


I wouldn't start making time predictions just yet. Or even have ANY public "goals" for that matter, for your first mid distance triathlon. Plan to do the swim AND bike very easy- at a steady aerobic HR. If that translates into a 3:15 bike split- great. If its 3:30-3:50, that's fine too.

You need to get off the bike feeling fresh enough to RUN the half marathon. If you push too hard on the bike you'll likely blow up on the run and walk a good bit of it. Not only will that kill your time but its kinda depressing. Trust me.

Focus on long rides and runs for the next two months and I think you'll do fine. Glad you had a good experience at Robie.

Good luck on your training.......
Grady, thanks for the Tips !!!!

As far as RAAM.. that looks like Biking Only ? Out of swimming running and Bikeing I hate the Biking the most.....
Schmalts threw down the gauntlet on you Moosie.

I would love to, but I am not brave enough to see if my knees would handle running these days. Find an all out bike event and I would come out

I just posted the event......If riding from Oceanside, Ca to Annapolis, Md in 8-9 days doesn't qualify as an "all out bike event" I'd like to know what does.....

Now you've got something else to train for.

Your half IM will be barely a warmup for that race......

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