How old were they?


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2008
Crazy, CO
How old were your kids the first time they tagged along on a hunt? My son will be 3 1/2 years old when archery antelope season rolls around and I'm thinking of taking him. I figure a ground blind over a water hole would be easiest, as long as it's not to hot:D. Any thoughts?
First time I took one of my son's out he was about 4 1/2 and that was on about a 1 mile round trip hike. He was really good about being quiet for the most....... right up until i was about to squeeze the trigger on a doe. Just as I settled the cross hairs he screamed "shoot it daddy, before they leave". Needless to say I didnt get the shot off before they bolted. Even with that happening I can say that it was probably the best day of hunting I have ever had. Definitely more memorable than any trophy I have ever taken.
My kid tagged along when he was just 4. We belly crawled a ways, and he fell asleep while I glassed. Face first in the mud. Then after the shot, and pictures, he got in on the gutting. That was the best part for him. I remember him pointing at the small intestines, and saying " Ooh daddy look at the worms". I will always remember that.
I took my firstborn at 4 on a scouting/trail cleaning mission into a rough canyon. Put him in the pack and brought along his Fisher Price Hammer and Saw. While we were clearing out fallen trees on this game trail he was sawing stuff with his plastic saw. He had a great time and it was fun to take him along even if it was just for recon work in the summer.
I've taken 2 of my boys since they were 7 to hunt deer.Took my youngest at 3 to a deer sit one morning.He didn't last very long,but it was very cold and a bad idea on my part.Since he was 3, he's gone out to set and check game cameras.Took him down one pretty steep mountain and thought I'd be carrying him up.Nope,he had to do it himself,and did a great job.I was impressed.He can actually sneek thru the woods better then my now 11 year old can.Take him with,whats the worst that can happen you lose one day of hunting.I'll be taking the youngest for some spring turkey this year.he always begs to go.I think he'll do OK at the temps in the spring season.If he doesn't, I'll just bring him home and head back out.I'd say if he wants to go, then give him a chance
Took my son deer hunting in a buddy ladder stand for the first time when he was 6, my daughter was 7 or 8. Now at 15 and 17, they go every chance they can.
First time I took my boys the oldest was 4 the youngest 18 months. The wife had a job on the weekends, so it was stay home opening weekend of deer season or take them hunting. Well I killed a blacktail buck that weekend. My best day hunting, the buck was just a forkie but the boys were smiling. That is what it's all about!
Took my oldest daughter out goose hunting this last year at the rip old age of 3. She absolutely loved it. Just got her a plastic shotgun so she can start learning how to handle and shoot.
Took my son archery mulie hunting at 8 when we lived in CO. We both slept in the same backpack tent and made an adventure out of it. Had a doe and nice 4X4 come out into the little clearing we were watching. Unaware we were there they eased along and even obligingly stopped broadside twice, but they were just too far to risk a bad hit from my old recurve, so we watched them walk. Great fun and memories.
Mine were like 8,6,4 Took them squirel hunting The boys got to shoot theirs . My daughter which was 4 got to pull the trigger. The boys have gotten older 20/17 Theu still hunt but not a lot My daughter loves going with me but doesn't shoot anymore. [poor little critters] She does understand why we hunt and has nothing bad to say about that. I guess its the girl/majorette/teenager thing in her..
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All three of mine have been hunting with me since they were very young. The oldest was 2-1/2 when he brought his pop gun along on a pheasant hunt with me. My daughter was only 1-1/2 years old on her first pheasant hunt and I can assure you NOBODY was going to help her carry HER rooster back to the pickup.

Since those first pheasant hunts there have been numerous deer, turkey, duck, goose, coyote, and pheasant hunts that they have tagged along with me on and have been hunting themselves since they turned 10 years old. Have a couple of years yet before my daughter is old enough to carry a gun but I can hardly wait.
My daughter will be 3 tomorrow and I have agreed to take her hunting this year. She has been watching hunting shows since she was born (I don't have to worry about her repeating what she hears unlike most other tv shows) and now she asks whenever I watch one when she can go. I got a great pack that she rides in and she weighs about what my loaded pack does when I go in for a few days. I figure she will be fun to have around on my scouting trips this summer. Last summer we worked on the gun up cover ears routine while shooting ground squirrels.
Think Kenny Jr. was 3 when I first took him to the deer lease but he took to fishing more than hunting. At 5 he would fish all day, catching or not. We would literally have to force him to stop for food and drink. Heck of a rifle/shotgun marksman also.
my oldest daughter was 1.5 years old on the first real hunt-a goose hunt. this last fall before she was three she hiked about a .5 mile with me on an antelope hunt. She is addicted just like her dad-hopefully the youngest will love it just as much.
My son was 3 and 1/2 on his first hunt, and had a rod in his hand at 2. My daughter likes to shop. ***If it is an OYOA, get him/her out on a hike this spring. Perform a 'test drive', and see how it goes. Make it fun! My first test drive ended up with me hiking my kid on my shuolders ~1.5 miles out of a canyon. BUT, it was still fun! The hike turned into a pack out when it warmed up and he got hot. Also, I would make sure your child is mentally ready for hunting, which is critically important. My son at 3 wanted to stick his hands in the gut pile. My daughter at 3 saw a dead deer on my tailgate and was bawilin'.
I am proud of the way I am raising my kids loving and respecting our beautiful mother nature and her outdoors.
I took my son out for the first time when he was 4. We sat in a ground blind on an evening hunt in early Sept. I stressed the importance of being quiet and still but really doubted he would be able. We had deer in front of the blind all evening as close as 10 yards and he didn't move an inch! He just watched intently until they drifted on by. I was impressed.
First duck hunt was when he was three. The first wig came into the decoys, and he watched it all as I shot her. He couldn't stop shouting in excitment.
On the way back to the pick up carrying decoys through the field he fell behind, and decided to eat dirt clods. You can see the dirt on his face with the excitment.
dan 003.jpg
The next year at four he hunted with me a lot. This was the highlight of his season. I only wish I had pictures in the field this day.
Dan and Meredith 004.jpg
This year a five, I didn't let him go with me on the spot and stalk archery hunt, but he did go down into the canyon with me to get the second load of meat on this buck. He made it the mile in easy, but the mile and 1500 feet elevation out he struggled with, but made it. To say I was a proud dad would be an understatement.
Mac started fishing with me when he was about 8 weeks. I had a back carrier when he got a little older. At age 1 he went and started climbing into it, after dinner, knowing the routine !! Started him off Pig hunting around 8.
I remember taking my first born on a dove hunt when he was less than a year old. My wife was out of town so I promised her I would take him to the local zoo. I ended up at the dove field with my buddies shooting birds while sitting on the tailgate. My son slept inside the cab and didn't mind a bit.

I now have three kids and take them all the time. My oldest is fifteen and my middle one is thirteen. Both went thru hunter safety when they were nine and have hunted ever since. My daughter will take the hunter safety course this summer but plans to tag along on turkey hunts this spring.
I don't know how I missed this but I started hunting with my dad and grandpa for blacktails along the CA coast when I was about 6 years old. Got poison oak bad! Still didn't hold me back...



So I took Out my kids as soon as they wanted to go. Most of these are Half day hunts, close to home.




Erin with her first turkey


Bro in law and my Nephew

So in short If they wanna go ....Take 'em...
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