Caribou Gear

HB2072 not dead


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2002
Keep the pressure on guys. The AZSFW is meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) to try and make another push for this terrible bill.
From azpackhorse's link:

'In response to some constituent queries, meeting organizers emphasize that the meeting is not about rehashing recent events related to HB 2072, but rather, focusing on moving forward in a positive manner and cultivating a spirit of communication and cooperation between and among constituents, the commission, and the department. It is hoped that comments are directed toward that objective.'

I think the AZGFD is looking to address some issues in their meeting like Hunter R&R, access and other things 2072 was supposed to 'help fund' but they're not going to address 2072 specifically. Maybe that changes considering what AZ 402 posted at the top of this thread. I'm sure AZSFW would like to get this in motion before the next 2 weekend events (AES Banquet & Outdoor Expo) that will likely enlighten some AZ hunters who don't yet know about the shenanigans being pulled by AZSFW.

It's about time for people to go on the offensive about this issue. One way to vote and make your vote heard is to vote with your dollars. Any businesses large or small that support this measure won't be getting my money, period. Same goes for companies whose representatives use the company name in an email or support letter. There is no grey area for me on this. Organizations that oppose this measure and play fair with AZ Sportsmen will get my money and more of it than ever before. It's too important to leave the cracks open. That's how vermin get in and spoil it for everyone.
The meeting at Gilstrap's office last night was to force the bill through. They said that Utah was so much better than Arizona in managing big game due to SFW. They said that all the Arizona hunters would just have to get over it and that the groups that pulled support would come back after the bill is passed. Someone suggested they combine their AZSFW expo with the current G&F expo and they were laughed at. If you are going to write the legislature you better do it now because Gilstrap calims she can get this thing passed.
You AZ guys are about to see just how trustworthy these folks are (not). As they did in UT, they will claim to know what is best for you.

Let us non-residents know what we can do to kill the end around attempt they seem to be putting together at this late hour.

And poeple wonder why we should all keep an eye on what SFW in Utah is doing. Your battle is one more reason why. The SFW doctrine is funded by the UT money machine, then shows up in other states, spreading self-servitude across the landscape.

As my Finnish family would say, "Hakkaa päälle!"
Unfortunately this is probably only going to get worse in the Western States with the internet & TV shows making more people aware of Western hunting opportunities and some folks just don’t want to be told to wait. They want that instant gratification that the almighty buck will bring them and groups like SFW are more than willing to help them
Don't know if I'll ever hunt AZ or not, hopefully someday... So thanks for the heads-up. I sent in these comments.

• What should be done to move forward in a positive, cooperative manner? (i.e., How could we better work together on issues, challenges and opportunities?) Remember the values and teachings of Aldo Leopold and Theodore Roosevelt. Don't attempt to sell tags or wildlife to the highest bidder in the name of conservation.

• How could the Sportsmen’s Constituent Group (working title at this point) be built to accomplish the above?
By choosing group members that value a collaborative approach, that truly care about the future of wildlife, and that value fair and equitable access to enjoy our wildlife resources. By inviting constituents from the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, the Izaak Walton League, Trout Unlimited, Ducks Unlimited, and the Rocky Mountain Elk foundation.
well they are rounding third base headed for home . they are getting up a full all out charge to knock our socks off.

we've been told , they can buy the legislators with huge pots of gold at the end of the expo(rainbow)

we;ve basically been told they do not need our support and will come crawling back after a yr. or 2

we've been told our game amd fish department is inadaqaute and incompetent when it comes to all programs acsociciated with AZ wildlife ,they can do better.

we've been told the sfw way of wildlife management is the best money can buy

we've been told , they will not stop at any expence and will have 2 more lobbyist to help their cause

we've been told we've already loss and can't do anything about it!

it's trully a sad day for Arizona when public tags can be made available to a private organization to line their pockets in the name of wildlife management.

the venom and stink of sfw is still strong.

we are growing but they seem to have an unlimited $$$$ backing-

they know money speaks louder than words.

it aint over yet!
I'm starting to get real worried about this thing passing. I was at the Arizona Elk Society banquet tonight and 2 of the guys at the table and both women had no idea what HB 2072 was or that AZSFW was trying to make a tag grab at all. Nobody at the banquet addressed it, which wasn't too surprising--not usually good policy to make political waves at a fundraiser.

I'm really hoping there will be some organized and informative opposition to it at the AZGFD Outdoor Expo next week. I haven't heard a peep about it on radio or tv. It definitely is not on most folks' radar.
I'm starting to get real worried about this thing passing. I was at the Arizona Elk Society banquet tonight and 2 of the guys at the table and both women had no idea what HB 2072 was or that AZSFW was trying to make a tag grab at all. Nobody at the banquet addressed it, which wasn't too surprising--not usually good policy to make political waves at a fundraiser.

I'm really hoping there will be some organized and informative opposition to it at the AZGFD Outdoor Expo next week. I haven't heard a peep about it on radio or tv. It definitely is not on most folks' radar.

hand out flyers at the front door, stick them on cars in the parking lot. Rent an AntiSFW booth.
Not sure on Governor tag but the Commisioner's elk tag went for $131k. Maybe I'll buy it next year. ;)

Vendor booths have been sold out for a while if memory serves (no info on the AZGFD website) and it's an outdoor, sprawling event with no door to hand out flyers, even if I had enough well-thought out material to put in one. I guess I'm just making excuses for myself. But I am hoping some of the leadership from the various local organizations--people and entities with positive name recognition and influence--will be strong and visible in their opposition to the bill. I'm pretty sure their words would carry a lot more weight than me.
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