Caribou Gear Tarp

HB2072 not dead

Update on our side --- should have a local Phoenix TV interview hit the airwaves tomorrow (Thurs.) afternoon/evening. Interview went well explaining how the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation has succeeded over the years in preserving wildlife and habitat. Also explained how the special interest group wants to take a public resource (Arizona's wildlife) and turn it into financial and personal gain.

We continue to combat the other side from all angles. Believe me, the other side is a formidable opponent! Even when the G&F commissioners voted down the original proposed legislation 5-0, and 2 former commissioners continue to speak out against its purpose, Alan Hamberlin and his cronies are not taking "no" for an answer. They've hired 2 additional lobbyists (3 total) and are now targeting county supervisors across the state with their untruths and misrepresentations.

All of us "average Joe" hunters here in Arizona appreciate ALL the support you non-residents have given to the fight. Most of you realize it's not just Arizona's future in question --- down the road it will affect all of us, in every state, who go afield! Your continued active support is welcomed!
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I got an email from Crystal Cruz at Channel 3 last night and they are going to air the story at 9pm local time tonight. I told her to get hold of Robbie Woodhouse the ex head of the Commission as he speaks very well on our behalf. I am hoping this starts some media attention towards the Governor and her honorary position with AZSFWC. Money is powerful in politics but so are voters if we keep the pressure on.
Ringer- Thanks for the heads up.

The media shining a light on Brewer's (honorary) role with AZSFW and the shenanigans they're trying to pull is a great start. It's an angle that makes for a good tease and headlines.

Does Crystal Cruz know about the Outdoor Expo this weekend? I expect there to be several people there who could/would share opinions about AZSFW's attempt to backdoor AZ hunters. I suspect a good number of Republican voters will be at this event as well.

I see someone on facebook has a page set up for it

If there's a way to raise money for a media campaign to fight this deal, I would certainly donate some production time. gotta fight fire with fire.
For earned media, here are some easy steps:

1.) get 10 friends to write Letters to the Editor, and CC the Governor's office when they get sent in.

2.) Pull together the Groups that are fighting this; RMEF, AZ Wildlife Federation, etc, and ask them to write an op-ed.

3.) Ask for an Editorial Board Visit with the newspaper that has the highest readership in state.

4.) Social media hits are critical in these days. Facebook, both personal pages and group pages, can go viral easily. Keep the heat on, even when it feels like you're over doing it.

5.) Call the public radio/TV folks and get on their nightly news casts. It's usually a good experience, and public news is a widely listened too piece of the puzzle.

6.) Get on radio talk shows either for interviews or for call in shows.
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