PEAX Equipment

Has anyone ever broken a bone ?

When I broke my ankle playing basketball, I got a black fiberglass one cause I thought it would look cool. The things you do at 19!!! Turns out, black fiberglass + Phoenix in the summer = bad idea!!!
Last ones I broke that needed casts didn't come in any thing except white...

Lets see...

Foot (Late 80's)
Back (Late 80's)
Hand (Jr year high school)
Toes (assorted times over the years)
Fingers (assorted times over the years, last time dragging buck out of the mountains)
Ribs (assorted times over the years)
Nose (ninth grade)
Dislocated Elbow (Early 80's)

That should about cover it...

Only had a casts for my hand and nose
collar bone twice. No cast, just a fancy bra. Hey Moosie, that would be right up your alley! ask for the wonder bra
Collar bone and three ribs in Feb. No cast. The bones and lung healed great. I just can't put on my shirt or hold my arm straight out. After a dye MRI the Doctor wanted to do surgery for some kind of lateral tear. I'd be laid up for a couple months. I'm self employed and I couldn't afford the time off. I started physical therapy on Tuesday and I'm glad I did.
Donna has red hair and blue eyes.:D
Collar bone in 74, I had a plain bra ( I aint as fancy as fancy boy Schmalts)
Ripped thumb muscles once bad enough to need a cast, plain white.
Casts are for pussies. Both times I've broken bones, I've just wrapped them with an ace bandage and limited stress on that part of my ody for a few days. One was a compound fracture of a metacarpal - a hatch slammed on my hand during a typhoon during transit to the Persian Gulf. My experience with Navy doctors and corpsmen led me to utilize "self help."

Oh yeah - a fractured skull once and fractured ribs once or twice, so that makes more than 2 broken bones.
Blue one for my left ankle. Had a brace for my knee when I tore my ACL. I broke my left wrist but refused to go to the doctor over the deal because it would have cut my senior year of hockey out of the picture. Pretty sure my right shoulder will need some work at some point, but hope a cast is not part of that picture.
Split tibia knee to ankle at 14, about 6 or 7 fingers, something that herts more then a break is separating ribs 2 different times 3 on the right and 3 on the left. Fractured elbow, crushed 4,5&6 in lower back at 28, broke rt big toe. Think thats all, surgery list is a little longer.

speaking of the big boy , he's been on injured reserved list a few times. LOL
Take it easy and don't'll start STINKIN!!! I have Probably broken 10 or 12 ribs, 8 this year, 6 at one time. Broke left arm right at the ball socket, no cast. They just let gravity of it hanging down straped to my stomack align it. Lost use of it after 2 week and had to relearn to use it, that my friend was a bitch! My Momma took me on a bike ride when I was 5 on one of those old bikes that had the Flat deal over the rear tire, turned real sharp and Johnny's little leg was snapped by the spokes. If you can break it, I have probably broke it! John (No Orange cast for ME!)
By the time my full leg cast was ready to be removed it was so many colors to look at you think you were tripp'en. Psychedelic man

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