Caribou Gear
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  • I think it's generally overrated. They are still up high during the muzzy season and you have to be in incredible shape to keep hiking in to all those above timberline draws. I come from sea level, so it's a challenge for sure.

    I think a lot of people pass mature 3 points because of the hype on 66.
    The archery hunters have them pretty stirred up by the time muzzy season comes around.
    How is 67?
    I hunted 4th rifle and was disappointed. Not many bucks and nothing big. I liked the east side better than the west even though the west side gets all the hype. Not sure I'd hunt it agian but if I did it would be a Sept hunt or 3rd rifle. Saw LOTS of elk though.
    I was going to say the same thing about 66, the amount of elk I saw was impressive, even more than when I hunted it 8 years ago. Nothing really big though, maybe one 320 bull. Lots of mature 5 and 6 points though.
    I saw two bulls in the 300 range on the west side of the unit. One problem was the amount of guys driving elk in the timber patches. There would be 2-3 guys with tags and 5-6 with no tags pushing for them. It didn't help the deer hunting.
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