Guns , girlfriend and married

Out of the blue one day my girlfriend asked me if we got married would I have guns in the house? Quite frankly I was more taken aback about the marriage part as we had only been dating for a month or so! At any rate She already knew I had them and hunted whenever possible and without hesitation I told her yes. Backing up the rationale like most others on this thread Already have. She really had never been around guns or hunting so in retrospect it was a fair question to ask. So after that discussion she dropped it and I never heard anything more. Fast forward two months and again out of the blue she says. “We should go visit my grandparents at the ranch.“. I am like. Ranch? What is this ranch you speak of? First I have heard about a ranch. Since I don’t go to any ranch without firearms I had in my possession a browning lever action 22 To do some plinking if the opportunity arose. while driving around looking at the place we came upon a tank (pond for you non-tx folk) and I commenced trying to shoot dragon flys etc.. she was looking bored so I offered her the rifle and after some basic training and safety discussions she started shooting. while She continued plinking I headed back to the truck to get a couple of sodas to drink then use as a target. About half way back to the truck I hear the click of a hammer landing on an empty chamber. Then “Damn. Out of ammo!” I smiled and knew guns wouldn’t be a problem anymore. 20 yrs later we have three kids that plink around the same tank and We all hunt that ranch.

Moral of the story

Stick to your guns and introduce them correctly, it might turnout it’s not that big a problem..

P.S. After that first ranch trip I still wasn’t sure I was gonna marry her but I will say I stopped saving money for a new wheel gun and put that money towards a ring!
Come to think about it. I could use a new wheel gun.
Well, I didn't get a "ranch", but she did come with 40 acres, albeit in Oklshoma instead of Texas! LOL!
That's okay.
Come retirement, we moved to OK and fulfilled the dream of building our own home!

I DID wonder just where the hell I was going to hunt though!
I have killed more deer!
Bigger deer!
Bigger bucks! 18 years in Oklahoma than I did in the previous 52 in Texas!
I wouldn't trade the deer and turkeys I've killed in Oklahima for the "Running W" or the "6666"!
For a GF no. But I would also want to understand her motivation and why. If she had an issue with my flintlock then I would almost certainly know she had an issue with my hunting.
I have never responded well to ultimatums. Be it girlfriend or wife. I also would be concerned for the relationships health if put in that position. Healthy relationships are more about giving less about control.

all that said my wife recently commented that I could not get a motorcycle. I did not comment back or challenge the comment. I had a close friend killed on one shortly after college while my wife and I were dating. and in college I was T boned on one, they are not high on my list and I recognize her feelings. I find myself not challenging the comment because I already know her reasoning.

maybe if my wife asked me to give up guns for a logical reason maybe I would? Interesting question.
I was lucky enough I didn't have to choose. When I met my wife she had never held a gun let alone shot one. Her family wasn't against guns, it just wasn't really their thing. She was willing to learn and now she's a better shot than I am with hand guns. A year ago I came home from work and she was taking her online hunters safety class, I never pushed into it she just figured if she's going to tag along on some of my hunts she might as well join in on the action.
I have never responded well to ultimatums. Be it girlfriend or wife. I also would be concerned for the relationships health if put in that position. Healthy relationships are more about giving less about control.

all that said my wife recently commented that I could not get a motorcycle. I did not comment back or challenge the comment. I had a close friend killed on one shortly after college while my wife and I were dating. and in college I was T boned on one, they are not high on my list and I recognize her feelings. I find myself not challenging the comment because I already know her reasoning.

maybe if my wife asked me to give up guns for a logical reason maybe I would? Interesting question.
Dammit! Don't you just hate it when they have sound reasoning behind their argument? LOL!
On the other hand, my wife wanted us to get motorcycles!
I want one so bad I can taste it, but I know me and my propensity to nod at least once before I stop!
I've never had a wreck because I fell asleep, but I've scared the crap out of me a time or two! ...or three!
I nearly died in a head on crash on 1991. That's close enough for me! No more wrecks!
I prefer a natural death! Thank you very much! LOL!
all that said my wife recently commented that I could not get a motorcycle. I did not comment back or challenge the comment. I had a close friend killed on one shortly after college while my wife and I were dating. and in college I was T boned on one, they are not high on my list and I recognize her feelings. I find myself not challenging the comment because I already know her reasoning.

I self-imposed that one after we had kids, with all the lousy drivers on the road, fixated on their cell phones, it's just too big of a risk to take in my book. I even sold my dirt bike a while back, recovering from injuries and taking care of 3 young kids at the same time causes severe brain damage...
I’d be curious about the circumstances. Personally mine has strong feelings toward handguns but nothing against my long guns or all the time I spend hunting and fishing. I struck a deal that I would only have one handgun that I carry or keep in the truck, nothing else and it’s worked great for 13 years. I have traded that one several times but only ever owned one at a time and haven’t had one at all for a couple years.
You give an inch and they take a mile comes to mind.
You give an inch and they take a mile comes to mind.
I give up having excess handguns that I didn’t care too much about to start with and have 2 safes of rifles and shotguns with no questions asked? Plus I hunt and fish about as much as I want for the stage of life I’m in, I call that winning. Negotiating is about people getting closer to what both parties want not getting everything you’re after, we could all use a little more practice.
No way. Didn't need to with my wife. She knew what she was getting into, or thought she did. She happens to be pro-gun. Now if I had to sell them so we both can survive or to pay off bills, I would and did. I think it is important that potential partners accept each other as is and not try to change anything.
It’s such a silly question I have to believe I initially misunderstood. I’m assuming by “give up” you mean let her have them? I say yes, then you can buy new ones.
NOPE. I have never seen one in a magazine, on the TV or anywhere else that would make me think she was even remotely worth even a single shot 22.
Luckily my wife loves to shoot almost as much as I do so no worries here.
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