NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Guitar in camp

SEVEN??? Harley has what’s know as an obsession, what you have is a disease my friend!
They were my Dads I can’t even play twinkle twinkle... gotta sweet baby grand piano as well if you’re in the market.
I used to loathe a kid who never failed to break out an acoustic at bonfires in high school and play the first notes to DMB “Ants Marching”. Totally killed buzz that is.

I swear he only new the first few cords all senior year. I mean, back in the day I probably fell for him tuning it vs. realizing now he had no clue how to play any other parts of that song.
Just like you can only hunt in Kuiu, First Lite, or Sitka; if you want to be good, Martin, Taylor, or Gibson. :) Congratulations on the new hobby! LOTS of great songs to be had with Em, G, C, D. Also, learn scales. Have fun!
P.S. Not sure how you're playing "G", but learn to play it with your ring finger on the low E string, pinky on high E.
Congratulations on learning something new! That is the key to a long prosperous life!
That being said I can’t carry a tune in a bucket. Everyone is different but I enjoy listening to the nature. Anything from bugs, to birds to elk bugling! I like to listen to my friends tell stories about their hunt and I especially like to listen to the elder hunters reminisce about past hunts and how that area may have been 10, 20, 30 maybe even more years before when they first started hunting. every group is different and your group members may love breaking out the guitar and jamming but I think I’d ok it with them first.
I have a Gibson Les Paul, Fender Yngwie Strat, and a Gibson ES-355.

The acoustics are a Martin D-35, a Martin 12 string, a banjo, and a backpacking guitar.
Both of those Gibsons are likely over 1000 and depending on the year could be well beyond that. Do you know what year the Les Paul is?

The Martin's are likely in that ballpark too especially that d35 maybe a bit more.

I'm thinking you should just learn to play guitar then you'll already have a top of the line arsenal to choose from.
I have a Gibson Les Paul, Fender Yngwie Strat, and a Gibson ES-355.

The acoustics are a Martin D-35, a Martin 12 string, a banjo, and a backpacking guitar.
I'd be interested in the Martin D-35.
PM me with price and photos.
You know, I play, for more years than most of you have been alive; Martin 6 string, Taylor 855 12 string, Baby Taylor (which I may or may not have played Joni, Paul Simon, or Bob for my wife on beaches in Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and St. Barth while...) not all that bad, and I can't imagine any circumstance where I might take my guitar to elk camp. That's for hunting hard, drinking red beers, eating elk heart, and telling lies. Sorry. YMMV.
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I think this thread has convinced me that in camp is a bad idea. Still gonna learn to play. Twinkle twinkle is actually sounding pretty good.

I looked up and am following Marty Music on YouTube. I’ve practiced the first lesson a couple days. It sounds good strumming but I’m have of a hard time figuring out how to have my hand were my fingers don’t touch the other strings. So until I can get that down, trying to transition smoothly is gonna take a while.
"... I’m have of a hard time figuring out how to have my hand were my fingers don’t touch the other strings. ..."

Practice, practice, practice!
I got started late in life, have a tin ear, the timing of a constipated sumo wrestler and a voice like a rusty garden gate.
I've been at it 10 years now and still have problems getting my old gnarled fingers out of the way.
Gave up on fingerpicking.
I can strum "fairly"(?) well, sing on key if I can ever find it. Have no delusions about being any kind of entertainer.
Around a campfire is about all I've got and I'm not about to take my Martin to a "camp".
Even so, if someone said, "C'mon dude! You're killing me!", I'd put it up.
Someone who can actually play and sing? As long as they don't head off onto some headbanging punk junk, I'm okay.
I enjoy listening to and watching a truly gifted guitarist.
I think this thread has convinced me that in camp is a bad idea. Still gonna learn to play. Twinkle twinkle is actually sounding pretty good.

I looked up and am following Marty Music on YouTube. I’ve practiced the first lesson a couple days. It sounds good strumming but I’m have of a hard time figuring out how to have my hand were my fingers don’t touch the other strings. So until I can get that down, trying to transition smoothly is gonna take a while.
Like other things if it's consensual (y)... if not...

I don't think you can go through highschool without sitting around the campfire and having that dude pull out his guitar...

Flip side, my dad and his buddies could legitimately play and there were a number of times when we would beg them to grab the guitar out of the truck and play.

Here's one of his friends Chris playing in his kitchen in rock springs.

You posted a thread for advice so don't ghost us, gotta report back ;)
Both of those Gibsons are likely over 1000 and depending on the year could be well beyond that. Do you know what year the Les Paul is?

The Martin's are likely in that ballpark too especially that d35 maybe a bit more.

I'm thinking you should just learn to play guitar then you'll already have a top of the line arsenal to choose from.
Figured they should be played not sitting in a closet so they are at my dads best buddies house.
Like other things if it's consensual (y)... if not...

I don't think you can go through highschool without sitting around the campfire and having that dude pull out his guitar...

Flip side, my dad and his buddies could legitimately play and there were a number of times when we would beg them to grab the guitar out of the truck and play.

Here's one of his friends Chris playing in his kitchen in rock springs.

You posted a thread for advice so don't ghost us, gotta report back ;)
Dude's welcome to play at my campfire anytime.