Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Grizzly Bear on Highway 83 Seeley Lake MT

In terms of Grizzlies, none. But you have a lot of opposition to opening hunting seasons for them by the same people who supported the re-introduction of wolves. That is what I am saying. Trust me, the Libs back here drive me up a wall as they do many people in rural NY :mad: The city centers are anchors and their influence (money) extends far past county lines and state borders.

If it makes the west less like the east, then more power to them.
Wrong. The west started to get like the east when they killed off all the wolves, grizz, bison and over-populate with humans. Reintroduction of grizz makes the west like the west, and less like the east.

Wow. That's a long time ago. You are talking 100+ years ago. You are comparing present day America to the 1800s? What you said above is no different than trying to pin slavery on every present day white person.
Wow. That's a long time ago. You are talking 100+ years ago. You are comparing present day America to the 1800s? What you said above is no different than trying to pin slavery on every present day white person.

You brought up "reintroduction." That, by itself, brings up the past. But your slavery analogy fails, for reasons obvious to every thinking person.

If ya drink, don't talk. If ya talk, don't drink.
No, the west started to get as bad as the east when the liberal eastern city folk started to fund the re-introduce EVERYTHING initiatives. :hump:

They're dangerous animals and they hurt a lot of people, which only seems to be escalating.

So are you suggesting that we should sterilize nature in order to reduce the danger? Isn't that part of the challenge of hunting, is to embrace the wild and be able to work within its confines?

How many people do grizzly bears hurt? Nature is full of inherent dangers. I have never once thought of needing to mitigate these in order to make people more safe. It's unfortunate that you think that way.
In terms of Grizzlies, none. But you have a lot of opposition to opening hunting seasons for them by the same people who supported the re-introduction of wolves. That is what I am saying. Trust me, the Libs back here drive me up a wall as they do many people in rural NY :mad: The city centers are anchors and their influence (money) extends far past county lines and state borders.

I am not really clear what you are saying at all. Of course there will be opposition to grizzly bear hunting. BFD. That's life. The positive in the opposition is that it ensures that management plans are well crafted and based on sound biological data and principles. Is it irritating at times? Sure.

All that said, I still have no idea why you would think that a grizzly bear getting hit by a vehicle is a good thing. Grizzly bears are slow to reproduce and slow to colonize new areas. They are also a fascinating animal that some of us embrace as a part of the wilderness experience.
I think they are spectacular animals and were are fortunate to live in places where we can see them on occasion. I feel it's time that they allow limited hunting and I hope that the delisting of the grizzly does go through. We need to voice our opinions one way or the other, but I feel that we need to trust in the biologists who study these animals and their habitat year in and year out and they feel that it is time, and that limited hunting of the bears would in fact be beneficial to the populations.

I'll bet someone got quite a jolt when they hit that guy. They probably did not want to exit the vehicle, if they saw that it was a big bear. My guess is probably a trucker hit it.

Grizzlies do definitely add a bit of adventure to a hunt in their territory. I would much rather have the grizz around than the transplant people from both the east and west coast.
I don't know how much longer they will get much support from hunters if the attacks continue. It is easy to say they are a neat creature until you are on the wrong end of an attack from one. Make no mistake - I am scared chitless of them. But I just do not understand why more is not being done to stop their spread when you look at how few of them there are and the number of bad incidents. :confused:

Probably will make some more great hunting in those areas in the years to come for people with a little more nerve than me :D
So are you suggesting that we should sterilize nature in order to reduce the danger? Isn't that part of the challenge of hunting, is to embrace the wild and be able to work within its confines?

How many people do grizzly bears hurt? Nature is full of inherent dangers. I have never once thought of needing to mitigate these in order to make people more safe. It's unfortunate that you think that way.

Mic drop.
Back in the day (Marine Corps) I was tossed into a large group of recruits from all backgrounds, regions, races, religions, etc. We'd sit around and BS when we weren't being harassed. The city boys would all say how crazy I was to wander around in the woods, especially at night. They'd ask me how often I was attacked and how many animals I'd killed and blah blah blah. I asked them how they moved around the city at night, especially down an alley, without getting stabbed, shot, robbed, etc. Weren't they scared? They just said:

"Man, you just have to know how, when and where to walk, and show respect."


If you wander around nature thinking you are somehow above nature because you are homo sapiens and the world has been made safe for you, well, there's a little thing in nature called "the Darwin Principle."
If guys are skeert in the hills, well I guess there is always bowling.
I don't know how much longer they will get much support from hunters if the attacks continue. It is easy to say they are a neat creature until you are on the wrong end of an attack from one. Make no mistake - I am scared chitless of them. But I just do not understand why more is not being done to stop their spread when you look at how few of them there are and the number of bad incidents. :confused:

Probably will make some more great hunting in those areas in the years to come for people with a little more nerve than me :D

You are correct. The attacks are growing exponentially, the grizz are relentlessly pushing us out. Every one of us who hunts in grizz country is lucky to be alive.

Dude, with all due respect, it sounds like you've been spending too much time listening to the Toby Bridges of the world.
Just for fun. Note....liberal rag.

It's a trick, don't fall for it.

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You are correct. The attacks are growing exponentially, the grizz are relentlessly pushing us out. Every one of us who hunts in grizz country is lucky to be alive.

Dude, with all due respect, it sounds like you've been spending too much time listening to the Toby Bridges of the world.

With guys like you around, this will be the next hunting forum with no one around.

And it has nothing to do with Griz, its your sarcasm.
MoGreen I think you are out of touch with what actually happens out west. Go research bear attacks for yourself before you make biased (based on your fear) comments. These guys are only ribbing you with sarcasm because you fail to see the truth.
If guys are skeert in the hills, well I guess there is always bowling.

I'm skeert in the hills at night and pre dawn. It is the truth. I have kids depending on me to feed them.

I would chew my own arm off before I take up bowling.

I think those that are not a bit "skeert" are spending too much time camping in there big RV's.

How the hell can you zip into a mummy bag in griz central and not be a bit scared??

You guys are tougher then me.
My buddy's folks in Seeley had one in their garage a few years back. Dad walked out of the house and the son of a bitch had torn open their freezer and was sitting on the floor with a bucket of frozen berries. Dad scared the hell out of the bear and bear about caused a gripper for his dad. Fortunately the bear bolted back toward his natural home in the hills.
With guys like you around, this will be the next hunting forum with no one around.

And it has nothing to do with Griz, its your sarcasm.

You should try to gain more knowledge of Grizzlies so you can make opinions based on facts rather than irrational fears. Millions of people recreate in Grizzly country ever year. There are only a handful of attacks.
With guys like you around, this will be the next hunting forum with no one around.

And it has nothing to do with griz, its your sarcasm.

I find it absolutely hilarious that the only guy opposed to griz is the guy from NY. Any respectable hunter is a conservationist at heart. The end goal for most members on this forum would be to see griz populations at a sustainable level (which is likely where we are now) where they can then be hunted like the rest of the critters in the west (and hopefully this will happen in the next few years!).

As for this forum losing a single member due to sarcasm directed at someone who opined that griz should be eliminated...i give that less of a chance of happening than being attacked by a griz in Central Park.

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