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Grizzly attacks hunter in Idaho

Yeah, last Friday. A fellow with the FS stopped by and talked with me while I was getting packed up to head into Indian Creek. He didn't have any details and I haven't been able to find anything online.

A husband and wife were hunting elk in the timber on the back side of the hogsback and he bugled in a sow with cubs. He had bear spray and a .44 but the sow was on him too fast. His wife was able to get away and call 911 on her cell phone. He survived but got chewed up pretty bad. Thats what my dad told me anyhow. There have been plenty of bear issues in that area in the past.

You suppose there is a reason it hasn't been in the news?
I have flown three times with bear spray in my checked luggage. I guess I didn't read the fine print where it said you couldn't put it in your luggage.

You're a bad bad boy. No aerosol containers over 4oz allowed on a plane. It just depends if they "randomly" choose your bag to search.
Couple more up here in Canada. I was in the high country last Sunday locating Wolfs with a howler call and had a Griz come up behind me to about 40 yrds. He was straight down wind and the quad was half way between us. I never knew he was there until he woofed at me. Pucker factor was an instant 10.
Dumb a$$ NR why do they even sell us licenses??oh wait, you said the other guy was from Mt. ;my bad.At least the NR in Idaho was able to keep your bears fed with his kill,must be doing something right
Me, I'm too stupid to hunt around grizzlies.But I guessing I can ifin I spray myself all down with bear spray first;right???
Anyway, glad they both lived
There have also been maulings in the Bob and up Indian cr. in the Madison. There are also several G-bears causing problems in the Gravellies.

I got up into the Madison the same day the guy was attacked up Indian Creek. We stayed at Bear Creek which is about 8 miles north of there. Never saw a bear or any sign, but the ol' lady wasn't too happy to hear that story. Unfortunately we only saw 2 cow elk in the 3 days I was up there. OH well, guess I'm just going to have to take some more time off work!
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