Caribou Gear

Fun Outting with my Step Daughter


New member
Jun 2, 2016
North Central Montana
I was lucky enough to spend a successful Saturday with my step daughter, today is her 10th birthday and all she wanted for her birthday was go down to the ranch with me and help me fill my tag. She was up and ready to roll out of the house at 430 and chattered the entire 2 hour drive. She helped spot this guy for me and even looked at me profoundly and said "I really think he's a shooter." I can't wait until she can go with me and hunt because I think the little girl really has the love of the sport and outdoors. As the gutting process started she told me that she would just go sit on a stump and enjoy the view until I was done. It must have been the long day or the sugar crash because she slept the whole way home. Now it is back to the breaks to try and fill my bull tag. 20161029.jpg
Congrats on the buck. What a great way to spend the day with her. It always amazes me how kids can sleep anywhere.

How often does she get the "Wow, you look like Lindsay Lohan" comment?
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I'd say that's a shooter! Hell of a buck, looks like a huge body too?

Congrats and nice assist little one!
Nice buck. That's cool to hear about your daughter's enthusiasm. Great memories for the two of you.
That's an awesome buck but it's secondary to the heartwarming aspects of the story. Way to pay it forward. May you both reap many happy returns.
Nice buck! Man, seeing posts like yours makes me so antsy for my boy to get old enough to come with me!!

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