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Football General Talk

This is sorta interesting.

I should add, I have always thought that these types of surveys tell you more about the make up of the people taking the surveys than about the subject of the surveys. This might be a prime example of why.
I remember telling you guys Josh McDaniels was a POS when he was hired by the Raiders.
And I'm not a Raiders fan at all.

Here's proof

ARTICLESNFLBy Chris Novak on February 28, 2024

It appears it wasn’t just Raiders fans who were restlessly unhappy with former head coach Josh McDaniels. The NFL Players’ Association’s survey has been the topic of the day on Wednesday. As it turns out, chief among the topics discussed is McDaniels. And just how much everyone seemed to loathe him.
The NFLPA’s survey detailed plenty of eye-popping factoids. Among them were how the players felt about the former Raider coach. It seems that the consensus thought was… not very favorable at all. In fact, out of 32 head coaches, McDaniels ranked 32nd.

Albert Breer detailed the assessment, in which he noted that players graded head coaches (and owners) for the very time. So there’s no prior data to pull from, but resentment for McDaniels stretched league-wide it seems.
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I knew Payton didn’t like him, but damn! $85M cap hit.

Wilson made a good deal for himself, the Broncos tried to renegotiate & he stood firm...good for him. It's a billionaire's gladiator sport...nothing more.
And Pittsburgh now has Russ Wilson. A few national sports radio guys loving the move.

I assume NFL game schedulers will put PIT-DEN on at least a Thursday Night game, in Denver.