Foot wear


New member
Nov 15, 2013
Anyone have some experience with warm foot gear such as socks and boots. I bought some 1000g rubber boots but I think they bullshitted on it. Feet still get cold. I hunt in Ohio and as long as it any crazy wind I'll sit in stand in the 20's if not lower. I want the best damn socks and boot available. Especially for my father who takes blood thinners. Also any thought on these battery operated inserts for boots. Every time I try and do a review on a boot, sock etc.... you get different answers. Thanks in advance
I too have the cold feet problem sitting in the stand in Ohio. In the past I've been thinking of trying the ThermaCell heated insoles and this year I ponied up the cash and bought them, I did this through Cabelas knowing I could return with no questions if they didn't perform to my liking. I did experience one insole heating intermittently, did an exchange and this pair works great for me. Your feet aren't toasty, but stay warm enough to keep the pain of the cold away which allows me to stay in the stand much longer. I am pleased with them,,,,,they are pricey though,,,,,but cold feet suck!
I don't normally have an issue with cold feet. I think the cruddy boots I wore growing up sorta made me immune to cold toes... ;) That said, if sitting in a treestand, I think I'd opt for a bootblanket + chemical handwarmers before I'd go the battery opperated route.

One thing I have learned, adding another pair of socks may not keep your feet warmer. If the boots fit too tight with the second sock on, it reduces blood flow and makes my feet feel colder.
I have sissy feet. For deer hunting in treestands I have 3 pairs. 400 gram rubber boots for temps above 35, 20-35 degrees I have a pair of 2000 gram rubber boots, and below 20 or long sits below 25 I have a pair of heavy winter pac boots. All Cabelas brand and all have held up well. Do NOT buy Itasca brand, they suck, usually tear at the bending spots in just over a year. Another good investment I made is several pairs of SmartWool brand socks. I can't stand itchy socks but these are very soft inside and comfortable. I change them out at midday if I go back to the truck, and will even change boots if the temps change. Sweaty feet get colder in a hurry but the Smartwool socks work well even when damp. Smartwool has several styles, get the warmest, thickest ones.
Smartwool is the best stuff ever invented. If you have some micro fiber socks to put on under that too.
600 gram Kenetrek or 1200,s are needed also.
If its under -30* I use chemical foot warmers but you Have to put them ON TOP of your toes to warm the blood, underneath is not as effective.
Standing on the ice fishing if you take a peace of "Pink" Styrofoam to stand on is wonderful and a pair of -150* sorrels...

I sit all day in northern MN and many of those days we are lucky if temps break out of the single digits. If you want warm feet, invest in a pair of Cabelas Predator pack boots. They have a slot in the liners for the chemical footwarmers but I've never needed them before, and that includes ice fishing off the seat of a snowmobile in -40 real temperatures in Canada. They are a little bulky but not terrible for a pack boot. I don't think you'll find a much warmer boot out there. I've never had cold feet in them deer hunting before. Get some smartwool socks as well and you will be set.

Regarding the rubber boots, I don't care how much insulation they have, your feet are going to get cold in them!

I sit all day in northern MN and many of those days we are lucky if temps break out of the single digits. If you want warm feet, invest in a pair of Cabelas Predator pack boots. They have a slot in the liners for the chemical footwarmers but I've never needed them before, and that includes ice fishing off the seat of a snowmobile in -40 real temperatures in Canada. They are a little bulky but not terrible for a pack boot. I don't think you'll find a much warmer boot out there. I've never had cold feet in them deer hunting before. Get some smartwool socks as well and you will be set.

Regarding the rubber boots, I don't care how much insulation they have, your feet are going to get cold in them!

I agree with the above, the rubber boots just aren't good for the cold stuff no matter what level of insulation they have (lived 30yrs in WI and MN north). They just don't do a good job of moving the moisture away from your foot. A good pack boot is what you need, and my wife loves her womens equivalent (or similar) of the cabelas predator - her feet finally stay warm stand hunting or ice fishing.
I 3rd the opinion on Smart wool socks. They are not cheap but definately worth it. They are the only socks I have found that keep my feet dry, thus helping to keep them warm.