Kenetrek Boots

First season success for my 10 year old daughter.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
My middle child enjoys the outdoors much more than her older sister so following her 10th birthday in January, we attended Hunter’s Safety together and spent some time at the range. I have a suppressed 6.5 PRC which I clamp onto a tripod that she can control and shoot very well.

The kid stole my luck and drew a couple of tags this year that had us both pretty excited. We started with an early rifle elk hunt in an area where landowner permission makes or breaks the hunt. I capitalized on the fact that saying no to a 10 year old girl is pretty tough to do. 😁. We spent a couple days camping and scouting before the season. She put one right through the heart of a beautiful bull at 320 the first evening of the hunt.

Next she had a deer tag . . .
I know the area well and October found us putting a few miles in. There was a stark difference in the deer numbers following last winter and mature bucks were very scarce. The first cold snap was a great excuse to skip a morning of school and take her and her little brother out to look for some deer. We found a few deer and turned up a buck sparring with a smaller buck in the perfect terrain for a stalk.

A half mile a lot of noise later we were all three sitting on a hillside with the tripod set up hoping the deer were still working their way up the draw 200 yards away. Luckily it all went to plan and they showed up right where they were supposed to.

Seeing the buck fever/excitement/nerves in a young hunter and whispering them through the process is an experience that’s hard to top. The buck knew something was up and worked his way up the hill; stopping broadside on a half dozen occasions. She’d be in the scope ready each time, only to relax and pull away and look at me. Her brother was being a knucklehead and tossing rocks or shuffling his feet every few seconds. Somehow dad kept it together and whispered that if she wanted to shoot this deer that she’d need to make it happen. On his last possible broadside stop before topping the ridge he gave us a great look and she let him have it. The shot was perfect at just under 300 and we all watched him tumble head over feet for 40 yards down the hill. The smile and tears in her eyes as she looked at me is forever ingrained.

We enjoyed the time on the mountain as mom drove out and hiked in to help take photos and pack him out. The boy’s excitement was second to none when it came to guttin’ and cuttin’.

Although I didn’t kill a thing this year I’d gladly take repeats of a season like this for as long as I live.

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That is an incredible first season Spitz. Congratulations to you for getting her involved. I know from personal experience it involves some sacrifice to you personally, but is so VERY worth it. Congratulations to your daughter for staying composed and making great shots. Looks like you have a hunting buddy for many, many season. Great memories are being made for your entire family that will never be forgotten. You are a very blessed man!
Thanks for sharing @Spitz
Agree with what others, and you have said....memories to last a lifetime and the fact that you have your boy & girl hunting with you means you did some things right.
Thank you for the comments! It’s hard to show gratitude in a post, but I truly am grateful for what I/we have - and certainly not just when it comes to hunting.

The corn hunt is something else. The elk live in miles and miles of 7 foot tall corn. Only to be seen outside of the corn 15 minutes on either end of the day. Picking the right spot to be took some scouting but came together in the end. The bull only went 90 yards after being shot but it took well over an hour to turn him up.

My daughter was happy to stay at the truck while I went looking for the bull in the corn.

Walking a cornfield in the dark, with a little wind to move everything around you, alone, looking for a hopefully dead elk is actually more than a little creepy!
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Outstanding!!!!! As my daughter used to say “She rocks out loud!” For me, I’d much rather see these kids kill stuff than any adult. Congrats to you both.
First deer and elk or another of many animals taken, she has really set the bar high. Obviously dad has been a big part of her preparation and hunt, so congratulations to all!
My goodness what a first season for your daughter. The look of excitement and joy on her face, and the happiness of your family is just awesome. Really, really good stuff.

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