Caribou Gear

First job?

Pulling sprouts off apple limbs and morning glory vines off the smaller apple trees in the summer. Was not in kindergarten yet so perhaps was 5. Family business so you helped out as best as you could.
1969, 12 years old, working at a neighbor's dairy farm. We milked 45-50 cows, raised all our own calves, did all the hay and silage, and in the spring, hung 500 buckets on maple trees.
Worked on farms in the summers when i was young.Put up small bales .No big bales back then.Know i rent some of them farms.Been a wonderful life.
I got a job at 11 years old at the Pocatello, ID trap club. I saved my money and bought a brand new Ithaca Model 37 shotgun and learned to shoot trap from some very nice guys that took me under their wing.
Worked on farms in the summers when i was young.Put up small bales .No big bales back then.Know i rent some of them farms.Been a wonderful life.

Its amazing when a town kid comes out to help me. Take a little bit to teach tractor levers then you send them out to load the big round bales and they can't get enough. Always asking when you baling again. I tell them stories of the small square bale days they say why you go back to work that hard.
Guess I never count working for dad on the farm. No pay there food and board:D
Great replies Guys I enjoy reading them:)
First paying job was a paper route. I used the money to buy my first compound bow in 1989, a Ben Pearson bow. I still have it but I can't remember the model name at the moment.

My first job that had hours and a time clock was a bag boy at Fas Check supermarket. I was 17.
I have always had a job of some sort, but the one that stands out the most is being an Apprentice Painter one summer for $1.50 and hour. He was such a crook and drunk. John
My first job was a summer of bean walking. This is only 25 years ago. We walked fields of soybeans and pulled weeds. I've had lots of different jobs since. I worked at a Dairy Queen, delivered pizza, worked at a dog food manufacturing plant. Worked as a farm hand on a Percheron farm and learned to drive a team of 8 draft horses, which is not as easy as it looks. Spent sometime at a farmers elevator buying and selling grain. Its where I gained my Class A drivers license and hauled grain and delivered propane/fuel. Drove a semi in a five state area. Had enough of job to job and decided to go to school. Now I am a paramedic and by the end of this month I should be sworn in as a police officer (part time). Im now learning Critical Care and my ultimate goal is to get out of the ground ambulance and get on a helicopter.
My first Job was as a Dishwasher at a BBQ joint in Bozeman. Back when Minimum wage was $5.25/hr. That was the summer after my Sophomore year of High School... Spent six years in Restaurants, Six years in retail and the last 2 self employed.
First job was as a paper boy in 4th or 5th grade. First real, show up and wear a uniform job was cook & dishwasher at a Taco Bell in glamorous Houston Texas. For $3.15 an hour. First serious job was working on the Old Man's construction crew. Made $8 an hour plus time & a half for overtime and thought I was in tall cotton. That was around 1990.
I was 14 and the next door neighbor was building a new house. He paid my $5 an hour to help with the sheet rocking. He worked my ass off. It lasted about 2 months during my summer vacation.
My parents owned a party store ( a gas station/beer/wine/chips kinda store for people not from the midwest) and I was the stock boy and bottle sorter (.10 refund on bottles in MI) before they had automated machines at wally world. I was 14 and got paid 6 bucks an hour cash. My first "real" job was working as a cook at Bob Evans when I was 16 for 7 bucks an hour. You wouldn't imagine how bad my work clothes would smell after a shift working the grill and fryer making eggs and bacon and french fries. My mom wouldn't let me bring them into the house.
Paperboy. Did it almost 7 years until I was 15 or so. Made enough to pay for my first year of college!

First clock punching job. Cattleman's Steakhouse as a dishwasher and fry cook.
Worked 5 years through high school and the first half of college at Golden Corral. Spent the first couple years in the dishroom and frycooking. Last 3 years cooking steaks on the grill.

Although I generally hated that job, I did take satisfaction in that the 3 years I was on the grill, always during the busiest shifts, we were recognized as best steak in the county and best Golden Corral in the country (all 3 years). I think I played a significant role in that. Some Friday and Saturday shifts I'd grill more than 600 pounds of steak.
Had a few early on - lawn mowing, umpiring, surveying, picking up hay, but my favorite was hunting ginseng with my dad. When I was 13 I had earned enough to buy a Ruger all-weather M77, Mark II in 7mm Mag. 21 years wears new glass now, but it's still my primary big game rifle.
Yes, Sir... How would you like your side of beef cooked? Medium rare? Dang, That's a ton of Beef...

I worked in restaurants where we would hit 600-700 covers a day, that was Crazy, 600lbs of steak in a shift... Ridiculous.

Yep.. I had a 4 foot gas char-broiler and a 2 foot flat top grill, and on the weekends all 6 feet of grill were usually covered up and cooking on medium-high. Some nights we'd serve 1000 people, many of which ate multiple steaks (all you can eat).

Funny how the jobs that pay the least usually involve the most work,
I worked at my fathers service station and mowed lawns till he sold it when I was 14. Worked through high school for a farmer in rice fields making $50 a day and $70/day during harvest time. Went to college & quit to go to work delivering bread. Getting up at 3:00 in the morning sucked for a 19 year old, went back to college after about 9 months of that. Now I get to sleep in till 4:30 before I get up for my job in road construction. Will have 20 years with current company in November and still love it.
Paper route at 11, then time clocked as an usher at a local theater. $1.10/hr, but it paid for a couple dozen duck decoys and muy boxes of Woolworth 20ga shot shells.