First job?


New member
Aug 22, 2014
Oh boy time to remember the good ole days. What was your first job and how old were you? I worked for a farmer age 11 and made $3.00 hour:) Boy have times changed I farm now and I pay 13-15 an hour.
Well, I was eleven or twelve, and one evening when I came in from playing my father says to me, "by the way, you have a job now, you mow the cemetery at the top of the hill". I made ten dollars each time to push mow once a week, cumulative, to be paid at the end of the year. Looking back, it taught me a little about working for the future. Thanks Dad!
When I was 14 I got a job assembling fiberglass yard signs for the alarm company my mom for. As my parents were divorced and mom was barely getting by it was a great thing for me to be able to buy my own clothes and pay for stuff like sports equipment and fees. Gave me a real sense of what cost what and how work translates to stuff. Have had a job ever since except for my first smester of college and my first semester of grad school. 31 years in the workforce later this month :) .....I think it is about time for a permanent vacation!!
At twelve I got a job pulling nails out of lumber for some rich guy. He had a mountain of 2x4's all full of rusty nails. It lasted two days till I stepped on a nail.. He never asked me back lol. Come to think of it that's the only job I kinda got fired from.. After that I went to work on farms. Funny when your a kid you like to bail hay.
My first job was at 14 working at Candlestick Park selling soda, hotdogs & malts. Those were the days when the Giants drew 10,000 on a Sunday and the Niners were under Joe Thomas. After that I worked on ranches. Then I started in the printing industry for 36 yrs. I retired the 28th of Feburary!
Paper route from 11-14. Then, as a stockboy at a grocery store. So many "damaged" boxes of cookies and chocolate milk consumed back them. Favorite job was at a delivering pizzas along with Ratfink. Our boss even let him run walleye and duck through the pizza oven. Not sure how the health department would've viewed that.
I worked at a Togos sandwich shop in CA. Good job and I had it through high school. I made shift manager before I moved on.
Aside from the anything for a buck lawn stuff during early teens, first real job was a hod carrier/scaffold builder/laborer for a plastering crew on a 3 story interior jr.high remodel. 16 yrs' old...a dollar ninety seven and one half cents an hour...I was rich.
I was 14 in Glasgow MT stacking and assembling newspapers. Then when I was 16 I worked for a construction company building the new addition to the gym at the Scobey High school and their new hospitial. Did that until Sept 98 when I entered the US Air Force, been employed with them for the last 16 years.
Very obscure but started working at a goat farm when i was 11
I started doing odd jobs for farmers and family members when I was about 12-13. I set, hoed, topped, cut, hung and stripped tobacco for my family and other farmers. I worked in an orchard during the fall as well. I believe I started out making about $3-4 per hour.
I actually did telephone sales for an ice skating show that was coming to town. This was back in 1982 but folks were still not very happy about receiving a call...
When I was 14 my dad gave me a chainsaw and shovels and told me to go clean the fallen trees out of a drainage ditch that hadn't been maintained in fifty years. Four or five dollars per hour I believe.
I cut trees with my dad as early as I can remember....unpaid until I was 15...ok so I was never actually paid! At 16 I got a job building wiring harnesses after school and cut trees on the weekends for my dad.
I worked with my dad in the scale business. Not sure when I started actually getting paid or it. Maybe 13-14? But helped him as young as 5 or 6. I remember being on the end of a screed board dragging concrete when I was in the 5th grade. Had a job at a horse auction when I was 15 making $5/hr. I'd make $40 and go buy groceries with it after work for my mother and I. Had a job as a cook in a restaurant when I was 16. I've been a grocery stocker, plumbers helper, farm hand, various construction trades,had an office job for a few months (quit in the middle of August to go to work in), a lumber yard, and I've been doing concrete for the last 13 years. The last 8 years self-employed.
Age 13 worked on a ranch in Burnt Fork Wyoming. Population 20. Mom loaded me up and dropped me off for the summer. Bought my first rifle at the end of the summer. Remington 700 BDL 25-06. My daughter killed her first Mule Deer with the same rifle at 13 and my wife killed her bull elk with it. To this day it's OUR go to gun. Worked there three summers.
I saw a lot of country (at least I thought it was a lot as a kid) in the scale business. The best trip, however, is when we went to the Boot Ranch in Douglas, WY to install a cattle scale. I loved that place!! The mountains, the antelope. Until I burnt my eyes watching my dad weld. That part sucked.

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