Caribou Gear Tarp


Awesome job, Randy. Congrats on the first one! Thanks for sharing the photos.
That is very cool Randy. Happy for you. You have been working your tail off, and this hunt looks to be more of the same....but with some rewards at the end.

Thanks for the kind words everybody, I'm still floating on cloud nine. Getting all of the meat taken care of yesterday really tied it all together for me, and now I can really appreciate it knowing all the work is done.

Even with the 5 mile pack I'm sure you would do it all over again.

Wouldn't even think twice about it. I could still hardly climb in and out of the shower this morning I'm so sore, but holy cow was it worth it.

I'm extremely thankful that I was able to get this bull this year, and in the area that I did. I've hunted this area my entire life, and scouted and found this specific spot completely on my own. This could also be the last time I hunt around here for a while, as graduating this year will likely take me to another area of the state. Getting this first bull at home, in an area I know so well, will probably be of my fondest hunting memories for quite a while.
I'm many years your senior & still itching to get my first elk. I'll take him (or her) no matter the circumstances!

Great pictures & a nice account of your adventure.

Best of luck in the field wherever your life leads you next.
Nice job! Easy elk are lost in the memory through the years. Elk that are earned are with you forever.
Great pics, great bull, great hunt. A hard earned and well deserved bull elk, congrats!
Good going! Congrats - you did it right, and will remember this bull always... It is your new benchmark.

Elk Down

Congratulations, I still remember my 1st branch bull, exciting stuff and lots of work but worth every memory and steaks.
Finally got him back from the beetle guy on Monday. I think it turned out pretty good and should make a good addition to my one-day trophy room.

Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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