Finally pt 3 (buck)


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
Well it late season statewide primitive season. It had been raining all day without much let up. It took a dry spell so I got out briefly and lo and behold the little 8 point came out during shooting time. So I took my shot with the muzzleloader. He ran 40 yards right into a tree and tangles. He was dead in less than 2 minutes. He also died within a ten foot radius of my first two does this year.



So I have taken 3 deer with 3 different things this year,xbow,shotgun and muzzleloader:cool:
Very nice. Congrats.

The boys wrasslin' too much this year and can't get the time to hunt?

Between football then right into wrestling and along with girl friends they do not go out as much. Codie has been the only getting out but he has always passed on does waiting for the big ones. He said to me this morning as I dropped them off to help on the biddy tournement that I will not be able to go for the big buck that I had been waiting for. I told him that the old timer can stay inside now and stay warm.;)

edited:btw this is the 1st buck I have taken since 2001