Facts about Women

Are you trying to justify your homosexuality with this propoganda? :D
Come on.. that's some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen -- mostly due to the hint of undeniable truth. :D
That was a very long read, but there is a ton of truth riddled throughout all of the sites posted above...

I especially like this one...


Bill Clinton and his creepy co-husband.

It's funny, but on the same token, very sad and there is a very strong correlation to what was said and the timelines all of this took place

One of the best things I liked about some of the jobs I've had in the past is would tell people "If my job was easy, girls would be doing it"

This immediately brings the hackles up on almost every woman hearing it, and laughs out of every guy... :)
As I was reading, I was going back and forth between thinking “how true” and “that’s some bitter chit".
Then I got to the last one about “marriage is a bad idea”.
I think a lot of us know a guy who has had that happen to him, or worse.
Wish I had a dollar for every time some woman told me how she just got out of this "abusive" relationship.

Did he beat you? No, it was much worse -- he just said all these mean things to me.. the phychological trama is much worse than a beating. They're all victims.. just ask. Almost makes me want to throw a punch right there. :D

I like how the inflatable wife. "floats". Now that's a keeper.
I think this is my absolute favorite out of the original links:

"she is always in ‘fight’ mode, constantly looking for a
confrontation, especially with a man, and she has about TEN TIMES more energy than you because she’s either been sitting home all day doing nothing but thinking of things to complain about or she’s been at her 'job' doing nothing all day. Now you have to come home to this after working all day. Of course all of this confrontation is completely unnecessary, and that is the saddest, most pathetic aspect of it all because this kills so many marriages today".

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