Elk Stolen in Billings

I stayed in a place in Milwaukee once for the night. Guy saw antlers in truck bed and came over to talk. Friendly guy but a little forward.

He tried to get me to come with him to his place to drink beer and lift weights and talk hunting. He said he was really into taxidermy and butchery work.

i was gonna go hang with him but something gave me an off vibe and that's when I realized. He was going to knock me unconscious and probably steal my deer. I told him no and he got really upset. Feels like I dodged a bullet there right though?
Missed your chance to be a Netflix star 🤣
Also, my horns, meat, tags go into the hotel room along with anything else that can't be replaced.
Good idea to stow valuables where locked securely, stow your elk in the tub, turn the AC on high and go sleep in your truck. Your venison meat will be cooled and you still get the free continental breakfast. :)
I still feel kind of bad for the amount of feathers that got washed down the tub drain in that Super 8 in Jamestown ND. I still think about it every time I head west and pass it by on the interstate…lol.
I regularly clean geese in my kitchen. My arthritis got to the point I couldn't handle it in the cold. The first couple of times I waited till my wife was asleep. Then she came up and caught me. The next morning she was chewing my arse and I gently pointed out to her that I'd been doing it for a while. "So this is the first time you've noticed the dinner dishes were washed and counters cleaned whenever there's a pot of meat brining in the fridge? The kitchen is always cleaner when I'm done." She said, "You're right. Carry on."

I regularly clean pheasants in motel rooms. But the managers would never know it. Not one feather goes down the drain at my house nor anyone else's property.

I have a large cooler on the hitch carrier that I can lock to it with a chain. I also have a locking pin for the hitch but only used it a couple of times. Security overkill. Deer antlers go in the locked Tule cartop carrier. When I brought my cap mounted elk racks back from Montana, they were tied to the Jimmy's roof rack. I typically make the thirty hour drive without stopping at a motel (at least a couple of times every year). Those elk racks never left my sight even at gas stations. Don't eat on the road so I don't have to poop. I'll pee on the side of the road or in a juice jug if the outside environment is too civilized for exposing myself.1665494213791417345382735777754.jpg16654941782208816147653535569168.jpg
Heck with hotels. I always have the worst experiences at them. I stayed at a really new, clean top shelf hotel a few months ago. 2:30 am there is an unreal ruckus, some lady is running up and down the hallway screaming about tweekers in her room doing unspeakable acts. The police shows up and she proceeds to tell them the intruders have stolen all her weed and meth. I saw a large group of what appeared to be drug addicts fleeing out the emergency exit. I’ll take my chances in a tent in grizzly country over having to deal with people any day.
I stayed in a place in Milwaukee once for the night. Guy saw antlers in truck bed and came over to talk. Friendly guy but a little forward.

He tried to get me to come with him to his place to drink beer and lift weights and talk hunting. He said he was really into taxidermy and butchery work.

i was gonna go hang with him but something gave me an off vibe and that's when I realized. He was going to knock me unconscious and probably steal my deer. I told him no and he got really upset. Feels like I dodged a bullet there right though?
I agree with Harley. That jerk just wanted to be friends with your backside. I had a lot of guys try to hit on me when I was working for the Park Service in New Orleans (San Francisco of the East). I was always respectful when rejecting and all but one accepted it politely. I think I also probably dodged the bullet that time. Glad I was in a public place when it happened. He was scary.
To me this highlights one of the currently legal many markets that needs shut down in violation of the North American model. No sale of antlers lose or attached to game animals. Seems like a simple common sense fix.
I got to agree with this. In my opinion all the shed hunting stuff is bullshit. For 40 years ive been stepping over them in the woods and now there's a "season" for it with opening day and all of it. Give me a break, leave 'em for the squirrels.
I stayed in a place in Milwaukee once for the night. Guy saw antlers in truck bed and came over to talk. Friendly guy but a little forward.

He tried to get me to come with him to his place to drink beer and lift weights and talk hunting. He said he was really into taxidermy and butchery work.

i was gonna go hang with him but something gave me an off vibe and that's when I realized. He was going to knock me unconscious and probably steal my deer. I told him no and he got really upset. Feels like I dodged a bullet there right though?
Did he have his car backed in?
Eeee-Gawd! I've not defecated outside the toilet in a hotel room though the more I see within this thread makes me wonder what's better! Haha!.

Sure hope you tip the housekeepers what you'd expect if you had to tolerate cleaning up the crap shared. WOW!

Ticks? feathers, gut/clean/processing in hotel/motel rooms? "If you've not done such in a motel room...". If you can not manage it at your property, outside spicket or in the field... May be best to not shoot the f-n fowl, game. I know this will not sit well with some popular peeps sharing their spoils of war in hotel/motel rooms though, WOW!
I certainly understand game bags /head/rack in game bags in tub - to secure for the night... though wow! Haha!

Epic hunter fail, In my book. Though to each his/her own. :oops:
I remember years ago a confiscated spike elk was stolen out of the back of the game warden's truck parked in front of his house. This was way back before the world was coming to an end.
At least it was stolen to eat, not to sell. Perhaps the theft was prearranged.
Eeee-Gawd! I've not defecated outside the toilet in a hotel room though the more I see within this thread makes me wonder what's better! Haha!.

Sure hope you tip the housekeepers what you'd expect if you had to tolerate cleaning up the crap shared. WOW!

Ticks? feathers, gut/clean/processing in hotel/motel rooms? "If you've not done such in a motel room...". If you can not manage it at your property, outside spicket or in the field... May be best to not shoot the f-n fowl, game. I know this will not sit well with some popular peeps sharing their spoils of war in hotel/motel rooms though, WOW!
I certainly understand game bags /head/rack in game bags in tub - to secure for the night... though wow! Haha!

Epic hunter fail, In my book. Though to each his/her own. :oops:
I would never leave a mess like that outside of the circumstances I was in. Dumped at the hotel by an outfitter 12 hours before the flight home, with a bunch of capes and skull caps that were clearly going to be confiscated at customs in their condition. I walked around town in the dark until I found a convenience store with a few bags of salt and went back to the hotel to see if I could salvage the situation.
I know of multiple elk racks stolen from inside multiple shops/garages including my own, over the years in sw Mt. Theives are going to steal. It has always been that way.
Eeee-Gawd! I've not defecated outside the toilet in a hotel room though the more I see within this thread makes me wonder what's better! Haha!.

Sure hope you tip the housekeepers what you'd expect if you had to tolerate cleaning up the crap shared. WOW!

Ticks? feathers, gut/clean/processing in hotel/motel rooms? "If you've not done such in a motel room...". If you can not manage it at your property, outside spicket or in the field... May be best to not shoot the f-n fowl, game. I know this will not sit well with some popular peeps sharing their spoils of war in hotel/motel rooms though, WOW!
I certainly understand game bags /head/rack in game bags in tub - to secure for the night... though wow! Haha!

Epic hunter fail, In my book. Though to each his/her own. :oops:
Like I said, no one would know I cleaned a limit of pheasants in the motel room. No feathers left. Every drop of blood cleaned up. Entrails etc. go into garbage bag and walked out to the dumpster at night. If I have to clean up my muddy dogs after a day in the field, it's done in the bathtub and again management would never know it except maybe for an extra towel or two used. No one has to clean up my mess. When my wife was alive, she even made the motel bed before we left! If I'm going to be staying for a couple of days I'll leave a note for housekeeping to NOT change the sheets. Waste of water and soap. I'm a regular at two motels on the Hi Line and the owners are always glad to see me and my dogs (formerly had three now just the one Lab and Fr Britt). They know I'm hunting and probably suspect I'm doing birds in the room, but still they want me as a lodger. And I don't leave a tip. My tip is housecleaner can leave early. When I leave, the motel room's kitchen and bathroom are cleaner than mine usually are at home. Golden Rule.
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