PEAX Equipment

Elementary Shooting

Very very sad. I am even more depressed to say that I think we need to get used to seeing this stuff because the mentality of the younger generation had become that bad and it will not change soon enough. Piss poor parenting (or only one), the gimme gimme mentality, no respect for others, and the lack of getting discipline is a good place to start pointing a finger. The media will want to make it all about guns, when the problem is with a broken brain made from years of poor surroundings.
Naaa...not it at all really. There is no blame.

Its a fundamental lack of pesonal accountability combined with the fact that one out of every few million people are just a full bubble off plumb. When you manufacture 7 billion of anything...theres bound to be defects every now and then.

Sad deal, the saddest of deals, IMO. But its not the first time its happened, wont be the last either. No matter where one chooses to place it, blame has nothing to do with it. Not the parents, not the school, not the teachers, and not the guns. Legislation of any kind wont fix it or prevent it either.
Buzz, it depends on what the legislation is about. They would be better off making legislation to put an armed guard in very school before any more stupid gun laws that get ignored by a warped minded person. They would be better off making legislation that states schools need to do more for security at entry points of schools. Lots of things would be better than looking at more laws that a warped mind will ignore.
If it makes people feel better to try to legislate their way out of these things, I'm good with it.

People with the intention of doing harm will find a way. Having a rent-a-cop at the entrance wont stop it. That just makes you feel better...that you're doing something.

Legislation cant trump a psycho with the intention of killing folks.
Buzz your right, problem is that our politicians WILL want to do something. Want to make a wager on what direction the left will want to go? You think they will just be happy with your last posts and say good enough, nothing to do here? BTW, I completely agree with you on most things you said except that I do feel the youth of today have far less respect for others compared to the last generation.
I just picked up my 4th old at school, to think what those kids went through and what the parents are dealing with is so very sad. All I know is that all of this senseless violence is getting to me, there's got to be something that can stop it.
Buzz is right, you can check the stats on this. There's been people with a full bubble off, evil, or psycho, whatever sense the begging of time. When Columbine shooting took place we heard how terrible things were getting, but a check of the stats showed that actually school shootings had decreased that year, and had been on a decline for years. The press makes sure these things hang with us forever.

I'm not belittling what happened at all, but those are facts. Every now and again you will have a demented person snap and start killing people. This one is more terrible than most in that he took children's lives.
What really makes it jump out is the Kids. Remember John Wayne Gacy, 33 killed by him without a gun. We now have everything instanaeously so it hits us harder. No one can prevent someone bent on this much evil. John
My problem is how all the libs and media jump straight to guns this and guns that. I will guarantee this idiot was abusing alcohol, most likely has been on or currently on psychotropic meds, and/or doing illegal drugs. These are usually the root of what turns a normally sane person, or near sane, into a suicidal monster and they are ALWAYS given a pass by said libs and media.
The way to stop this madness is ....STOP talking about the gunman. Make him annonymous, media blackout on his ID. But of course the media won't go for that. All the media talking about the killer only inspires other sickos to copycat so they can be famous.

A good point I've thought this also. These crazy bastards, in their sick minds, feed off of the publicity I believe.

The "Blood Dance" has already begun for more gun control.

Gun free zones = potential killing fields for crazy bastards.


Yep... again. But, problem is, the left will impose more laws on law abiding folks that will not do anything to stop what they say it will stop.
BTW, I think an armed security person at all schools would be a help in some cases. They maybe would not keep them from getting in, but there is a chance they can limit the amout of time that person lives once he is in there. The media starting already... read the link
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Come on...have you seen the security guards at any federal building?

I'm in and out of Federal buildlings all the time...the only thing being protected is the donut box and the sign in sheet on the front desk.

Nothing against them, they're just not prepared to handle the types of situations like the one that happened today...they want to go home to their families too. I dont blame them...I'm only going to risk so much for $12-$15 an hour.
Very sad news, Makes me physically sick. I can't imagine what the parents are feeling. I have a daughter in 5th grade and we had a talk tonight about what she should do in case something like this happens in her school. I pray for all involved in this tragedy.

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