Yeti GOBOX Collection

Eh yous Canadians - Hows bout you put dat fire out eh?

If I may be so bold as to answer,,,, it's when several individuals pack into a smallish vehicle and smoke a little (lot) medicinal product. Or so I read on the internet.
It doesn’t have to be a car, it just needs to me a small area with poor ventilation.
Ski lift gondolas are also a hotspot for the hotbox.
I'll bet the Canadians don't like it much either. Think about others misfortune that your complaining about. Sorry but we have been on the hot end of the stick too many times to want to listen to others complaining about the smoke. View attachment 281747View attachment 281748

Sorry to see your troubles, @Redmt. Hope you guys have been able to rebuild.

Smoke cleared out overnight here. Super thankful for that, and for not having to deal with it for months on end like the west.
To those of you people living out west and to those that have seen up close and personal fires and smoke, I do get and understand its a lot more common in that part of this continent. However, as a hunter who travels regularly travels out west, one of the most handy tools for keeping up on wildfires and its impacts is the website. It gives information on current active fires and air quality from PM2.5 levels. I've been on this site 100s of times over the last few years and even some of the really bad fires recently such as the one in Northern Colorado and South Wyoming I believe two years ago didn't even produce such widespread "bad air" as these fires have. Look at the map below and how many monitors are reading over over 151 (red and purple and dark red). A typical decent sized western wildfire will reach and impact a state or two and typically only a few monitors triggering the purple/dark red reading (over 201).

Do they light fireworks on Canada Day?

Expect lost fingers and wildfires on Saturday.
Some places are and they'll be done professionally. Even though theirs been a fire ban in most areas the police have been flying around at night marking homes that are having bonfires still. I heard some people up north stating the fines start at 15k and doubles every time someone has to go out and warn them
How many weeks have you had it in the purple? When you hit 3, without a break, then you can open up the whine
This. What a crock of shit. I remember several weeks of 500+
I'm not arguing with you guys that it does get bad in some spots. I was simply just making a point that this area of poor air quality is absolutely enormous and not typical of a wildfire on this continent.
in all seriousness, on this topic, one of the most wild things about living in the west is living over 50 miles from a wildfire and waking up to ashen, fully intact, pine needles on your windshield that disintegrate to ashen dust if you so much as breath on them.
How many weeks have you had it in the purple? When you hit 3, without a break, then you can open up the whine
It’s after noon so most midwesterners have opened up the wine.
in all seriousness, on this topic, one of the most wild things about living in the west is living over 50 miles from a wildfire and waking up to ashen, fully intact, pine needles on your windshield that disintegrate to ashen dust if you so much as breath on them.
My FIL found receipts from an area the day after it was hit by a tornado that was 75+ miles away.
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