Dropped: Project Alaska

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
I have not watched the show, but it has been hyped pretty good by Sportsman Channel. I was hoping it would live up to the hype. Seemed like a cool concept, if it was real hunting and adventures, not the contrived lame thing they call "reality TV" these days.

Evidently the folks in Alaska are calling it BS. A rather scathing review by the Alaska Dispatch. Now, I have to watch it and see if it is as they make it sound in the review provided below.


Any of you AK guys know of this reporter? Seems he has some strong opinions, or the show is not good enough to convince the real hunters that it is a survival issue.

If any of you watched it, what did you think?
I haven't watched it, but I guess I'll have to check out the first episode. If what the reporter is saying is accurate, I wouldn't say he was being too harsh. Exaggeration for the sake of good TV only works on those who don't know better. Those who do usually change the channel.
I'll have to watch it. Medred can get a little dramatic about things, and tend to shift some facts around to promote his agenda.

I see that Steven Rinella has a new show called "meat eater". He's apparently flying into some POW alpine lake that hasn't been hunted before.. I got a good laugh out of that. If you want to get in virgin territory on POW, you better be prepared to walk 15 hours from sea level, and even then you probably ain't in alpine that hasn't been hunted before, as some locals make it their goal to hunt the unhunted mountains, and they have the racks to prove it. In the promo pic it looks like he dropped a fork horn. Lame.
I did watch the show as I really like their regular show platform. This writer seems to focus too much on the weight loss and the amount of gear they brought. Because I have only seen the first hour of the series I cannot make up my mind on the whole series based on this writers comments.

I would have to agree though if you have plenty of fish and other critters to eat I cannot see loosing a pound a day, but people's bodies react differently to changes in diet and exercise.

The one thing that I really did not like was the voice over as it reminded me of Monster Garage :) Allot of shows have these now and it's really a waste IMO. I would prefer to hear the person who the show is about talk, not a commentator :)
I was gonna hit the link but then I seen calvin mentioned medred. I saved myself some time, I already know where that guy is going.

I trust the lawyers up here more than what I do about his "idea's"
He has a point.

I'm sure a very small amount of people will read the article anyways, perhaps a lot less then the amount of people that actually have the Sportsman Channel. I read the article but I don't have the channel to watch the show anyways.
I thought for a second that the budget had blown up. Glad that didn't happen for you.

As for the show; I haven't got to see it either. I wish there were more good shows on nay channel. We were talking the other day about all the junk that's on anymore. Very few hunting, or outdoor shows are even worth picking up the remote. This one may be ok if they tell and show the real story of how it's really supposed to be done.
I can't see losing that much weight in that time frame. Unless they were just food junkies and very overweight to start with. Anyone that's in good enough shape, to endure all the elements.and be deprived of food, would not loose that much. IDT

If one wants to loos weight. I can attest to just cutting two things out of diet . My wife is on medication that makes weight gain, and has to watch it closely, or it will go up quick. Two years ago she figured out a big problem. PEPSI She cut it out and started drinking water and juices and lost 20 in a month then another 15 over the next three month without changing anything else.
Myself I usually gain during heavy hunting seasons. Of course I do put a lot of carbs away in the meantime. Yea I loose fat content, but gain it back in muscle weight. Everyone is different in that sense.

As far as the food that they ate, IDK I haven't got to see the show. They also mentioned carrying a lot of gear. Everyone is different in that aspect of it also. As to what they need, and can carry.

I would love to try something like that. Am I fit to do it? No!!!!!!!! IMO not only the physical part would be hard. The mental part would be draining on the body also.
I have it DVR'd so I haven't watched it fully yet. I did catch a few minutes as they did the "airport luggage" shots where they showed the latest and greatest high-tech gadgets (nothing wrong with that I guess). I agree with MNPublicHunter that the voiceover sounded just like Monster Garage or any one of the multitude of lame chopper/truck/house/extreme living room build shows.

I saw it....

I saw it and liked what I saw. It is a TV show, and all are to entertain and sell products or they would be liberal and on PBS. And, I agree with you...the concept is great. Let us, let it playout. Alaskans are, evidently, like Texans; we know it all.
Fin, I saw the name of this thread and thought you had decided to not go to Alaska for a moose with your show! Seems like the "live hunt" for the Alaska trip should be started already as the planning part should be a large part of the OYOA story line.
I'm sure there are plenty on here that have lost a pound per day on hunts. I know I have... I wasn't eating twigs and berries either.
I'm sure there are plenty on here that have lost a pound per day on hunts. I know I have... I wasn't eating twigs and berries either.

A pound a day is pretty normal for me. I'm sure it's not all fat though. I have a feeling that a lot of it is water loss, not to mention my body builds up junk that doesn't get eaten while I'm out hunting.
I liked it...not geared to the guys that have been out west or to AK...it is more information than actual hunting...more Discovery channel...not bad..buddy knows the two brothers in it and says it was just the two brother and their cameramen and had to hunt or catch all their food...i will continue to catch this one. Figured it was some jealous guys rant.
He's very opinionated indeed. He has a few good points - but we are all wuss's in this day and age if we compare today to several generations ago. I have to give the brothers credit though - because i'd do the same thing if i had the means to do so. Havn't seen the show yet but gonna try to catch it.
I saw the show and thought it was pretty good. I like their back country quest show as well. I liked how they went in to alot of the planning and logistics and whatnot of getting started. At the end of the show they were stalking a caribou, so I think we'll see a kill at the beginning of next week's show. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season on this show.
I won't watch the show because I just don't watch shows much but I can see the reporters frustration. He's disecting the verbaige used by the brothers because they hyped it up. But it's a show, thats normal, right ?

I've lost a pound a day easy on trips. Mostly because I was over weight going in and was "topped off" with water.

I'm sure the show will be good though.
I saw it the other day and liked it...pretty entertaining and way better than most of the other shows out there.

I am looking forward to watching Meat Eaters. I was a big fan of Steven's show on the Travel Channel last year and he is promising this one will be even better.
