DHI Banquet in Nampa


New member
Apr 2, 2002
Who is going?
Me and Tara will be there and I know Moosie is going.
I'll be there.

[ 02-17-2004, 22:08: Message edited by: Ovis ]
Well.. I know There will be Hundreds of people probably.. BUT hyere's who I know of, Hopefully I don't forget names ?!?!

Me, Mrs Moosie
Mojave (Karen, My sister)
GutPile (Preston E.)
Ovis (Jim U.)
Elkgunner (Mike J.)
1-Pointer (Tyler S.)
Lance, His brother DwainAKAKillabee
IdahoBugler (Bryce D.
Wylee / Breezy (Chris/Sabrina B.)
Wylie67 (I think thats the # ?!?!) (Willie E.)
ElkTurd (Steve W.)

Md4me used to go but HAven't heard from that clan this year, and I don't know if there is Anyone else.... I know a few members are bringing wives or Boyfriends ;) I have like 24 people on 3 tables right now. Will make for 1 hello-va good picture

Remember , Wear HuntTalk.com hats
I'll have a Few there for peop's if they want.

Moosie did you know that only one in six food service employees wash their hands after using the bathroom? :eek: (FYI Pee shooter; I made this one up.) :rolleyes: Of course, only one person in twenty six thousand plays with a rat before dinner!! :D
Moosie, I guess you were close enough with Wylie67. Boyfriend won't come because he doesn't support the killing of innocent animals with big guns. Oh well. I will have to bring the wife instead. Oscar, I only have a beanie to wear. Walking into the Nampa Civic Center with a black HuntTalk beanie on looks a little suspicious - like maybe a gangster get together or something. I am looking forward to it. Should be a good time.

Wilecoyote76 - not Wylie67
And before I was interupted and couldn't finish....AND BROKFUT and MRS BROKFUT (I was going to say!!!!)

You bought your Own tickets unlike these slackers that made me front the money :D
Quit your crying Moosie!!! Just be happy that us slackers are going to make the drive to come down!!! :D :D Can't wait to give you a hard time!! :D
Who gets the "I travelled the farthest" award? Is it 1pntr?
I think 1-Pointer is Going to be the Furrthest to travel. Just for that I'm putting him up in my House for free, Gosh I'm a good guy ;)

PAWS, only 1 in 6 eh ? I figured it was at least 1 in 10 ;)

wilecoyote76 , You'll soon learn that my memory is about as Bad as my hunting/spellin' ;)

Looking foward to seeing everybody there. We have alot to do in the Setup, Don't be personally offended if I'm running around and speaking in 1/2 sentences :D :D Well, truth be told I'm trying to stay away from ElkGunner but I don't like him knowing that... so Don't tell him.. 'k :D
I'm coming and I just filled the back of the Tahoe with hunttalk hats, shirts, decals, etc. If anyone is interested in hunttalk gear I'll be the stunningly beautiful blond not wearing camo.
The list of people not wearing camo to this event should be a short one, so I should be easy to spot. See y'all there!
Which brings up a good question. What is the dress attire for this banquent...Idaho casual?
I'll be there but unfortunately I won't be wearing camo. I'm right there with ya Mojave - I should stick out like a sore thumb as well. It will be nice to meet other HuntTalkers.....

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