PEAX Equipment

Deer Hunters Roll Call


New member
Nov 10, 2003
CO, of course
A new year is upon us. For some, their fate lies in the draws. Others of us are lucky enough to live in areas that afford wonderful opportunity. Let's hear about some of your plans, expectations and dreams for the up coming season.

For many of us deer season is more than just another hunting season. It's a pilgrimage made annually, honestly it almost more like a religion to me. I live, breathe, eat, sleep and dream about the pursuit and anything involved with the process of hunting what is at least in my opinion gods most beautiful creatures.

Hopefully there will be many wonderful memories made by Hunttalk members this year while afield. Never take things for granted. We only live once, and most of all don't be shy!
I've been looking at Orthomosaic aerial photos lately and its amazing the new stuff (rubs and beds) you can find in your mulie holes. It helps to get out bear hunting as well and you usually end up spotting a lot of new places to go.
Next weekend I'm heading down to the Chilcotin area of B.C. to look for sheds and maybe spot a big blackie. Hopefully I find a reason to go back there for next November.
The air photos sure do help in finding escape routes and bedding areas, but most of all hidden access roads and routes to get into public land that seems to be surrounded by private lands.
The old GPS is going to put on a lot of miles this year.

D.E.D rules!
south carolina is on my list again this year which has produced 2 deer per year in the last 2 years. september drings kodiak island where we will be able to take 3 bucks. should be a good year. hump
I'll put in for limited quota deer here in Wy but if I don't draw then the Greys River and the Hoback is where I'll be.

Mooise here "SIR" !!!

Gunna Hunt Idaho in October with an OTC tag. I'm guessing that my out of state hunting experience for deer this year is limited to "ZIPPO". Although I did buy my 3rd Pref point in Co. this year. Next year I'll be blessed with spending a few days in Co with some "friends" hopefully :p
My bro and I are going with an outfitter on a drop camp in the Pasayten Wilderness, which, for those of you not familiar with Washington, the Pasayten is in the North Cascade mountains on our border with Canada. Our camp will be only a little over a mile from the border. This is real wilderness with real wolves, real grizzlies, and Monster Mulies. Oh, and I forgot, lots and lots of black bears. In fact from what I've heard about it, we will have a better chance of killing a bear than a deer. The mulies supposedly are widely scattered throughout the wilderness and not easy to find, but maybe we'll get lucky. If not it will be a heck of a nice vacation internet, no cell phones, and no WORK! hump :D
I'll be hunting wyoming for mule deer for sure, putting in for a limited late tag, more than likely be hunting general season.

Montana deer/elk combo is in, if I draw...Whitetail in Montana.

Kodiak Island sometime in November and maybe a Colorado mule deer if I have time between the other hunts.
WH, leftover tags...

I almost forgot, applying for a december coues deer in AZ too, 3 points going in plus this years app. Should draw, but I aint holding my breath.
Archery season in late October...rifle season 1st sat. in Nov. Should have some mature Texas whitetail this season.
Deer are usually pretty much backseat in my home state behind elk. I will probably hunt for one though not sure whitetail or mule deer, and it depends on how the fall is going. Hope to draw for mule deer in WY, NM, and AZ where I have or will also apply for this season.
Blacktails here in Calif., I'll put in for the N.Az tag again, who knows, somebody has got to draw it.
I got AZ for sure,archery (hopefully will draw a hunt this year). Looking to draw NM,ID and possibly CO as well............

going to hunt deer,elk,turkey,antelope,bear, and hopefully moose this year in idaho.. as for out of state- going to westenr montana with some family members to scout the area while they hunt..
After failing to draw a tag in AZ the last 2 years I will most likely put in for my favorite spot...The AZ strip country[ big muley] is on my mind.
Gona hit the hills, halla's and swamps for dink whities and Sika here in Maryland. My goal this year is to put three whitey bucks on the ground and at least one Sika deer... plus as many does as I see ;) I put in for mule deer in CO, I should draw for sure. Depeding on how much extra time I have I may run over the WVa line and try and tag a buck...
Wyoming very limited in the pool, probably not going to draw.
South Dakota, 100% rat deer
Idaho limited or OTC
Montana, limited draw and certainly OTC muley
Colorado and Utah just points this year because,
Kodiak (with tnctcb and pointer for a few sitka)
Like you said hoping for good luck in the draws. I put in for Colorado I have 5 points, Arizona I have 6 not counting the loyalty point or this years point, Oregon I have 4 points (I don't know why I'm still putting in here. I'm thinking of just burning them on a so-so hunt.) States I'm putting in for that have no points or I don't have points for Wyoming, New Mexico, Montana, and Idaho. I will definetly hunt the general season in Idaho for more than likely 2 deer. Good luck to all in the draws.

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