Crossbow or Compound?

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Surprised at the response to someone asking about using a crossbow. They have been legal in our state for acouple of years now and I don't hear anything negative about using them.I own one andsome day plan on using it to hunt with.
My feelings are if it is legal ,use the weapon of your choice.They do have advantages over a bow but they also havethere problems.. They don't have good balance and are cumbersome. To each there own opinion .
When wee man starts at Center for the Lakers, I'll support crossguns during archery season...;)
He probably wouldn't hurt their production this year... :D

FWIW, and IMO, I think the crossbow discussion highlights the provincialism of hunting more than about any other topic. Places really are different. I've lived in a state where it's fairly hard to draw a general season deer tag now to one where you just buy them at will. For places with more demand than game, I can see the rationale behind wanting to keep to the intent of the archery seasons. That said, I think folks in those places also need to recognize that keeping to that intent becomes somewhat fuzzy with the technology today for modern vertical bows. I seriously doubt folks that got those seasons established in those states for saw things like this...

Likewise, folks in some places that allow crossbows need to realize that because they haven't really had an impact there doesn't mean they can't/won't elsewhere. They are legal where I live and I may use one next year and like I said previously my kids probably will. However, we hunt in a county where we can take 1 buck and 8 does. Much different than a place where it's hard to get a tag.

Not sure why I felt compelled to type that.
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I'm going to come right out and say it. Do I think that crossbows should be allowed in Montana in archery season? No.


For all those spouting off about keeping it pure and a challenge I say hogwash. Modern compound bows more than negate the purity and most of the challenges that you wish to keep so sacred. I have held my Matthews at full draw for 2 full minutes (video evidence) before releasing a killing arrow. Double cams, single cams, eccentric cams, drop away rests, carbon arrows, peep sites, guys flinging arrows at 80-90-100 yards. If it was really about a challenge or purity of the sport we'd all be shooting long bows.
John C. You don't appear to be 55. After you bow hunt for 30 years plus and your Testosterone level is depleted, we shall see how you feel about the use of a crossbow!
John C. You don't appear to be 55. After you bow hunt for 30 years plus and your Testosterone level is depleted, we shall see how you feel about the use of a crossbow!

I am not 55, but can see it. My knees are already piss poor. Does that permit me to drive where ever I want on public land to hunt due to my age and handicap? Sounds like my physical shortcomings, based on age or general health, allow me special treatment?
To answer the original question. It would depend on if I have been practicing with my compound on a regular basis and working out to be in the physical condition to shoot well at the moment of truth. If I have them I would be pretty much equally deadly with either in my opinion. If I hadn't practiced and got my compound dialed in and did nothing to prepare physically for the moment of truth and I didn't care if I experienced an actual archery hunt (I'm entitled to my opnion :))them by far the crossbow would be the better choice.

If I was physically handicapped in a way that a compound was out of the question a crossbow would be my only choice between those two as well. I would have to look at the laws of the state I am in and see if it was an option. If not I would rifle hunt or hope to have some really good memories to look back on. Sometimes life's a bitch and nobody said it was going to be fair.

There is absolutly no reason for any of us to get pissed at each other over different opinions. In the end we all love hunting or we would not be on here. Lighten up! :) If nothing else please never take offense to anything I have to say on here. I don't figure anything is going to change as a result of these discussions and my only reason for being here is to enjoy what hunters have to say. Sometimes our thoughts seem a lot harsher in writing I think.
Fullrutgolf- You are a relatively new poster here, so I will cut you some slack. For those who know John's history, he has been through more sh!t and is not one to broadcast his ailments and NO ONE will question his motivation or desire. IE Don't go there with John. You can question me or many other posters.

Back to you question- It was obviously loaded and with an agenda. I was one of the posters who made a crossgun comment and I'll stick to it. It can be "loaded", ready to discharge a projectile with the squeeze of a trigger. IMHO The name crossbow is a being utilized/emphasized in marketing/lobbying to have it added to the archery seasons for the able bodied.

Archery- If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. (Your statement supports this IE About being "easier"). Archery seasons have historically been generous in the amount of time in recognition as a "primitive" weapon. Modern technology has somewhat blurred that line. But also, modern technology has also enabled a modern bow to effectively kill most big game at the legal minimum poundages. (35-40 lbs in many cases). Modern archery technology has also enabled more people to take up the sport and bowhunt. (Which I applaud)

The crossbow industry is trying to categorically move the blurred line of "archery" within state game and fish departments to match their agenda driven definition.

I might not be able to shoot the draw weights I used to, but I still shoot my compound bow. Will I shoot minimum weights when that is all my body allows. Yes.

Do I have an agenda also? Yes, to support my states current definition of what is archery equipment, the equipment limitations within archery, and the designated season for this equipment.

Next thing you know, some guy will be trying to redefine what "sexual relations" is. What a minute,,,,,,

"At my age, I need to put some meat in the freezer and some Bucks on the wall."- Sounds like someone still has some testosterone left.
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John C. You don't appear to be 55. After you bow hunt for 30 years plus and your Testosterone level is depleted, we shall see how you feel about the use of a crossbow!


I am 42 years old, so you got one things right..I'm not 55. But, pull up a chair and let me tell you a thing or two...

I am retired from the Army. I am a combat veteran of Desert Storm, Bosnia, and Iraq. During the course of my military career I was stabbed, shot twice, and survived 2 IED blasts. With those occurrences come injuries...

I have traumatic brain injury which gives me debilitating headaches and messes with my depth perception, so I am stuck with the use of a rangefinder. I have 4 herniated disks in my back which are fusing themselves in the wrong position which causes numbness in my feet and pins and needles, on top of shooting pains down the hamstrings, so I have to be especially careful when I walk because I tend to fall a lot. Most of the cartiledge in my right knee is gone due to surgeries removing shrapnel. I'm also on my second meniscus tear. Due to the bone on bone contact in my knee I am in constant pain and my knee also gives out quite a bit, once again, causing me to fall. My ortho doctor says I'm too young for a replacement, so I am stuck with a knee brace and cane and injections. The gun shot in my forearm causes numbness in my right hand, which is my dominant hand. When I was ejected from my vehicle in my second IED blast, I landed sideways on the side of my head and right shoulder. That broke my collar bone and pretty much wrecked the joint, on top of tearing the brachial plexus nerve bundle, which controls the entire arm. My right arm was useless for about 2 years and either stayed in my pocket or in a sling. My shoulder dislocates when I sneeze if my arms is in the wrong position. It also dislocates when I shoot my rifles, but I have gotten to where I can pop it back in pretty easily. I see ortho for it later this month. Along with the brachial plexus injury comes numbness in my entire arm, as well as shooting pains down it, plus a loss of a good amount of coordination in my hand on top of the problems with the gun shot. I have nerve damage in my left arm as well, from the elbow down, which causes dexterity issues. I wear hearing aids most of the time as well. I have scars on my legs and a large one down the right side of my face. It used to bother me when people stared and asked questions, but my wife says they are sexy, so I'll go with that. As for testosterone levels, I actually am low and am being treated for that as well.

So, let's talk about a couple more things... My primary care doctor is also a hunter and outdoorsman. He has offered me the paperwork for a handicapped parking plackard numerous times, and I have turned it down. He said I meet the criteria for the mobility impaired hunting permit in Colorado, but I turn that down. He also said I meet the criteria to use a crossbow in Colorado, but I turn that down as well. There are people far worse off then me, so let them have the special things.

I still try to hunt to the best of my ability. I have to go slower, and can't go as far as I used to be able to. On the bear hunt last year, I decided to forego the hunting when I saw the terrain, and did a lot of fishing and took the role as camp cook. I still use my upright bow. It took me almost 7 years to be able to use it again at the full 70 pounds I used to draw, but I've learned to compensate the draw using my back muscles and other arm, and use a high let off bow. I refuse to let my physical issues keep me from doing what I love. I just have to do them differently, and slower, and sometimes take different roles in the hunting experience, but I am still out there.

I'm not telling you any of this for's just the way it is and I live with it. I am embarrassed by my lack of ability sometimes and am very jealous of the guys I hunt with that can do the 5 mile hikes and pack outs like I used to be able to do. The best I can do is continue losing weight and quit smoking, so that maybe I can go a little farther for a little longer. Until then, I will cope with the hand I've been dealt.

As for hunting 30 years.. I found my first bow in my grandmom's basement when I was 10 years old. An old fiberglass recurve. I taught myself how to shoot it and got really good with it. At the age of 11 I shot my first rabbit with it and got hooked immediately on bow hunting. So, all in all, I've been hunting for 31 years.

Anything else you'd like to know? As far as I can see can take your assumptions about me, your crossbows, and your excuses and stick them straight up your ass.

Have a wonderful day...
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John, You are a true hero and I personally thank you for your service. It is also evident that you are stubborn and a committed bow hunter. This was never an issue for me until Wisconsin changed the law this year allowing crossbows to be used by anyone during the archery season. I have one full week to bow hunt each year and I am also competing with the four other guys on the property, three of which will be using crossbows. So my predicament is do I stick with my Mathews or shoot a TenPoint Crossbow. I need to make the most out of my short opportunity. I am a cancer survivor but still physically in good shape for my age. Thanks again John for giving all for our country!
Is it possible to request a moratorium on any thread that has to do with crossbows and lighted nocks?
Discussions are important. ( although sometimes painful). If you don't want to read about those two or similar issues don't click on them.

Agreed. . when the discourse is civil and leads to some kind of increased understanding (if not acceptance) of an opposing point of view. Regrettably, crossbow threads don't seem to meet that standard.
How did this thread turn into disclosure of personal problems? The question was, Bow or Crossbow, period. Bury your heads in the sand or face the you struggle with your bow, Crossbow hunters will be shooting deer in your state and maybe on your land. You don't have to like it but you will have to live with it because all states will eventually allow the use of these weapons. I came to this thread looking for an honest discussion and ran into a bunch of guys with major issues. When is the last time you arrowed a deer, John? Enjoy those empty freezers guys. There are names of many good therapists in the yellow pages. Go tell them about your problems, maybe an archery discussion will pop up!
I haven't drawn a deer tag in 7 But, this is the FIRST year I didn't get my archery antelope, but I also only hunted 3 days of the season. What, exactly, does that have to do with a crossbow? For me, it became personal disclosure, when you questioned my age and ability. You're just becoming a shit stirrer, so you're close to the level of Jose to me. You've aleady basically said you want to use a crossbow because you feel they are easier and a more sure thing, so you are more lazy than I am..but, at least I have a reason and I still don't use a crossbow :D
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According to the crossbow supporters those cumbersome weapons aren't anymore efficient than compound bows. So for that reason I would stick with the compound, as it's far more fun to shoot, gives you a sense that your part of the weapon that's taking the animal. The satisfaction in doing it with a hand held weapon.
The fact I don't want to be a Homo!
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