Colorado trying to give away their electoral votes

One person, one vote....electoral college is a joke, period.
I'm not down with Cali and NY deciding for the whole country. It's bad enough what's going on in Colorado on a state level.

Well said JohnCushman-My sentiments exactly. John Wayne was quoted as saying "If I were alive, I would have voted for Donald Trump, but since I'm dead, I voted for Hillary 6 times".
Imagine if you will, One person, one vote elections for hunting and trapping laws...... You think it's cool when a federal judge in DC or NY or LA puts a hold on grizz or wolf hunting because they know more than the states?
A lot of the opposition to this law seems based on it being passed by democrats and the belief that it will only benefit them. I don’t think that is the case.
If I vote for a republican in 2020 and a democrat wins Colorado, my vote is effectively turned into a vote for a democrat under the current system. Under the new law (if it is ever implemented), my vote for a republican would actually count in the nationwide popular vote, regardless of how the rest of the people in CO vote. If the republican won the national vote with my assistance, the nine Electoral College votes from my state would count go to the republican, even though the majority of people in Colorado voted for a democrat.
I would certainly like my vote to actually count towards the person I voted for and not who the majority of Coloradans voted for. Republicans are opposing this law, presumably because we have had two republican presidents in the last 20 years who lost the popular vote. I wonder who would be in opposition if we had ended up with two democrats losing the popular vote but ending up in the white house.
Imagine if you will, One person, one vote elections for hunting and trapping laws...... You think it's cool when a federal judge in DC or NY or LA puts a hold on grizz or wolf hunting because they know more than the states?

This is apples & oranges stuff. Hunting regs are set by the states, not the fed. Bad example.

I'm not supportive of eliminating the Electoral College. It was set up specifically to ensure that we didn't end up with a tyranny of the majority, and small, rural places had a good stake in the game. Gerrymandering districts, etc, needs to go away - that will do much more in regards to actual representation in a district than pre-selected outcome districts based on partisan make up.
Some serious bat crap crazy going on in politics, as a whole. States, Feds, Congress, Prez... on and on.


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