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Clintons plan for public lands

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I find it very interesting how many people would rather hold on to the conspiracy theories and made for news (and politics) stories about emails and servers ...QUOTE]

That is not a conspiracy theory or a made for news story. She sacrificed the security of our citizens working abroad for the convenience of her own server, and to avoid government accountability. I would not trust that woman with anything, and while I am almost a one issue voter, the security of our nation has to come first. I would never vote for her, ever.
That is not a conspiracy theory or a made for news story. She sacrificed the security of our citizens working abroad for the convenience of her own server, and to avoid government accountability. I would not trust that woman with anything, and while I am almost a one issue voter, the security of our nation has to come first. I would never vote for her, ever.

It is a Fox News story. Nobody really cares.

Didn't Trey Gowdy reveal classified information on his grand-standing Made for Fox TV hearings?
Only an idiot doesn't care that the Sec of State makes classified information available to foreign governments.
I'm also a one issue voter: Don't destroy America by electing a racist bigot who rules by fear and thinks convincing 1.6 Billion Muslims that we really are at war with them because of their religion is a good idea. At least Bush was careful not to lump the terrorists with the greater Muslim community.

People have been trying to pin something on Hillary for 25 years and they haven't produced sh*t so it's time to get off the pot. Elect her, maybe give her some cigars and a handsome intern, and hope she'll lie so you can at least symbolically impeach her without impeding the job she's doing. America wil do fine and the biggest issue will be finding ammo given all the people who fixate on the talk radio baloney.

Other than that, it would be nice if we could eat horse and/or cat again, but it isn't on either candidates platform.
Care to advise us all of the last President who didn't appoint Goldman Sachs people to positions of power?
Hell, countries all over the world appoint Goldman ex- to positions of power. Is there anything bad about Goldman Sachs? I much prefer answering to the "smartest guys in the room" than answering to a bunch of ex- Lehman, ex-Bear Stearns guys....

1. The fact that everyone appoints GS people is an indictment of the appointer; not an excuse, justification or feather in their cap. Lot's of firms appoint former Representatives and Senators to their boards for the same reason. Follow the stench;
2. Yes, there is something bad about Goldman Sachs: They are too big to fail, even if they haven't tried, yet, ala Lehman/Bear, et al;
3. In America, we don't want to answer to the smartest guys in the room. We want the smartest guys in the room to answer to us. Kind of like the military;
4. If they are the smartest guys in the room, I think Donald will ask them questions. Clinton, on the other hand, will, as you say, answer to them.

5. Edited to add: I know she was private sector at the time, but I'd still like to read a transcript of her speech to them or, better yet, hear/see it. I know we all had our panties up in a knot when Dick Cheney was putting together private meeting with all his butt-hole buddies in the oil industry. Clinton has never really left the federal tit.
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That is my hope too. If these are the two best options we have to run our country, it tells my small brain that things are really fugged up.

Been saying this sense the beginning. If a YUGE majority of registered voters either didn't show up or wrote in a candidate, and voting numbers would hit all time lows for both parties, than many straws would be added to the camels back. I would say "Viva La Revolution" but I fear for the country my 6, 3 and 1 year old are going to inherit.
Only an idiot doesn't care that the Sec of State makes classified information available to foreign governments.

True. It is amazing to me that anybody would even consider throwing this country even farther under the bus by electing a person that hopefully will be going to jail. She has lied and cheated her way through he entire life and mysteriously, over 50 people that had dirt on her have ended up dead. It goes on and on. People that are willing to vote for trash like that, are the reason that this country is in dire straights.

The hog wash about Trump being a bigoted racist etc., etc., is pure crap. You don't like him because he tells the truth!? I have come to the conclusion that people in this country can no longer handle the truth, but instead have replaced the truth with political correctness and a willingness to turn everything over to the government. One of the tenants of communism to dumb down the population, so that they believe the government can take care of them. Obama and all of the stupid people that have supported his brand of nonsense has pretty well made this obviously true and Hellary is more of the same putrid caca.

It shows me something when so many on this site and in the population in general, are willing to throw the country away, just because Hellary spews some crap that they like to hear. What good is your public land (even if she does what she says) if you have no firearms to hunt on it, or suddenly have no permission to be there because of one of her off-the-wall edicts?

The judge that Trump was railing against is a member of La Raza, which is a blatantly racist organization that has pilfered millions of tax dollars for such things as "community improvement", "housing improvement" etc., etc., and un-tolled other travesties. Try starting a whites-only, racist organization to try the same stuff. You will be treated like the KKK, no matter what your reason was.

Continue to hide your head in the sand, vote for hellary and then await all of your Bernie free stuff. Somebody is going to pay dearly and it will be the honest, working Americans-however few there are left.

God help us, because this population has thrown in the towel and no longer can.
You don't like him because he tells the truth!? I have come to the conclusion that people in this country can no longer handle the truth, but instead have replaced the truth with political correctness and a willingness to turn everything over to the government. One of the tenants of communism to dumb down the population, so that they believe the government can take care of them. Obama and all of the stupid people that have supported his brand of nonsense has pretty well made this obviously true and Hellary is more of the same putrid caca.

It shows me something when so many on this site and in the population in general, are willing to throw the country away, just because Hellary spews some crap that they like to hear. What good is your public land (even if she does what she says) if you have no firearms to hunt on it, or suddenly have no permission to be there because of one of her off-the-wall edicts?

The judge that Trump was railing against is a member of La Raza, which is a blatantly racist organization that has pilfered millions of tax dollars for such things as "community improvement", "housing improvement" etc., etc., and un-tolled other travesties. Try starting a whites-only, racist organization to try the same stuff. You will be treated like the KKK, no matter what your reason was.

Continue to hide your head in the sand, vote for hellary and then await all of your Bernie free stuff. Somebody is going to pay dearly and it will be the honest, working Americans-however few there are left.

God help us, because this population has thrown in the towel and no longer can.

Whats hogwash is the idea that because Trump screams the loudest that somehow he is telling the truth. Trumps "truth" has been debunked many many times.
True. It is amazing to me that anybody would even consider throwing this country even farther under the bus by electing a person that hopefully will be going to jail. She has lied and cheated her way through he entire life and mysteriously, over 50 people that had dirt on her have ended up dead. It goes on and on. People that are willing to vote for trash like that, are the reason that this country is in dire straights.

The hog wash about Trump being a bigoted racist etc., etc., is pure crap. You don't like him because he tells the truth!? I have come to the conclusion that people in this country can no longer handle the truth, but instead have replaced the truth with political correctness and a willingness to turn everything over to the government. One of the tenants of communism to dumb down the population, so that they believe the government can take care of them. Obama and all of the stupid people that have supported his brand of nonsense has pretty well made this obviously true and Hellary is more of the same putrid caca.

It shows me something when so many on this site and in the population in general, are willing to throw the country away, just because Hellary spews some crap that they like to hear. What good is your public land (even if she does what she says) if you have no firearms to hunt on it, or suddenly have no permission to be there because of one of her off-the-wall edicts?

The judge that Trump was railing against is a member of La Raza, which is a blatantly racist organization that has pilfered millions of tax dollars for such things as "community improvement", "housing improvement" etc., etc., and un-tolled other travesties. Try starting a whites-only, racist organization to try the same stuff. You will be treated like the KKK, no matter what your reason was.

Continue to hide your head in the sand, vote for hellary and then await all of your Bernie free stuff. Somebody is going to pay dearly and it will be the honest, working Americans-however few there are left.

God help us, because this population has thrown in the towel and no longer can.

Step back, take a deep breath, and think a little more. Hillary sucks, we all agree, but our country is not a complete disaster and is still one of the most amazing places on this earth. We can all point out problems, but no one has ever come up with a solution that makes everyone happy. Be thankful for what we do have, not constantly focusing on what we are frustrated about. I think we are all frustrated with where I presidential race is right now, but its the hand that is currently dealt. This thread is here as an informational peace. Better to at least know the information than turn away from it because of personal bias and because the candidate is trash. In reality neither of the two leading candidates are the answer for America, and neither will solve all our problems or be our savior. Welcome to the world we live in, life's tough, then you die.
Been saying this sense the beginning. If a YUGE majority of registered voters either didn't show up or wrote in a candidate, and voting numbers would hit all time lows for both parties, than many straws would be added to the camels back. I would say "Viva La Revolution" but I fear for the country my 6, 3 and 1 year old are going to inherit.

My thoughts on this: Don't NOT show up. You MUST show up. Just don't vote strategically. Vote your conscience. Don't vote for either of the two major Parties. Or, if you vote for one of the two major parties, vote for a candidate that is not doing what the Party wants them to do (i.e. Trump, Sanders).

If you show up, then they know you care; but they know you just don't care about them. That is important. They need to know you don't like them. If they think you don't care, then they've won. That is what they want. They want you to give up and turn things over to them. They'd rather fight each other (R vs D) than have you thrown in the mix.

Write yourself in if you have to.

And when it comes to other, lower seats (House, Senate, Sheriff, Dog Catcher, etc.), do your homework and vote your conscience. But remember this: If they are members of the R or D Party, then they are either part of the problem or, like Sanders and Trump, they chose to go the Party route solely because the system is so rigged they had to in order to gain any traction. But look for those who seem like they have the sack to upset the apple cart, lose the next election, and tell their Party to go piss up a tree once they are in.

Just my opinion. If every one did that, then we might actually have a Representative Democracy.
Step back, take a deep breath, and think a little more. Hillary sucks, we all agree, but our country is not a complete disaster and is still one of the most amazing places on this earth. We can all point out problems, but no one has ever come up with a solution that makes everyone happy. Be thankful for what we do have, not constantly focusing on what we are frustrated about. I think we are all frustrated with where I presidential race is right now, but its the hand that is currently dealt. This thread is here as an informational peace. Better to at least know the information than turn away from it because of personal bias and because the candidate is trash. In reality neither of the two leading candidates are the answer for America, and neither will solve all our problems or be our savior. Welcome to the world we live in, life's tough, then you die.

Well put. We could be better but we ain't all that bad.
Other than that, it would be nice if we could eat horse and/or cat again, but it isn't on either candidates platform. cats? Maybe I'll start keeping my cat inside...the rodent population of my neighborhood would prob go up astronomically though.

I mean, I don't know about you guys. But I've never been more excited to watch the Presidential debates in my entire life. Maybe I'll throw like a Super Bowl Party equivalent for the first one. This is an excellent precursor: turmp.jpg
The hog wash about Trump being a bigoted racist etc., etc., is pure crap. You don't like him because he tells the truth!?

The judge that Trump was railing against is a member of La Raza, which is a blatantly racist organization that has pilfered millions of tax dollars for such things as "community improvement", "housing improvement" etc., etc., and un-tolled other travesties. Try starting a whites-only, racist organization to try the same stuff. You will be treated like the KKK, no matter what your reason was.
Somebody is going to pay dearly and it will be the honest, working Americans-however few there are left.

God help us, because this population has thrown in the towel and no longer can.

Hogwash? Hogwash is the stuff you are spreading here. Thank you for proving my point about racist Trump.
I'm sure you are talking about "Hard working white Americans."
Unless you are a Native American you are also an unwanted immigrant.
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