NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Cameron Hanes


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So Cam' came to Idaho to visit for the seminar. I was fortunate enough to hook up with him in the morning for a little run. By "I" I meant, I brought O-Town out to run with him. I hung in there about a mile and a hal;f and the 8 min mile pace went to 7.....then 6.... I just don't run 10 MPH ;)

It was a fun time to talk to him in the morning before the Crowd go a hold of him. A little one on one. Here was the morning pics :



I have more I'll upload later.

The Seminar went good. My Good buddy Cory anounced the New Magazine they are starting "Extreme Elk Hunting".

HEre is Cam talking about Bow hunting :


And Cory, Me, Otown and Cam' :

Check emails out of you get a chance.

My Emails ? I don't get what yer asking. I have my emails to my phone and nothing crazy on them ?!?!:confused:

Some more :



This next one is one of my favorites :


This next one IS my favorite. about 6 of us were running. Cam started the first couple miles slower and kept going faster and faster..... At the end it was just O-Town with him. I stopped early on and cut accross to hop in the truck and take pictures.



He does.... But I told him I was happily married ;)

He signed my boys picture. Nice to have technoligy to go take a pic, upload it to and bang, have it signed right a way.

Looks like Big Fin on the left ?

People take pictures of me all the time like that...... I keep telling people that I'd hold still if they just wanted a picture !!! ;)
I've never met Cameron, but I've heard good things from those who have, same with that OYOA guy. Your son has had a pretty eventful year, didn't he shoot that forked horn mule deer last year? Okay, so the forks, forked again, and then again . . . I have muley envy.
Fishing4sanity, YAh, He's the one that killed the Forked horn with forks on it ;)


He also killed a Kitty Cat :


Anda Lope :


And a Elk :


This year is up in the air though.... I think a Bruin is in the near future.
Forget Cameron. I want a picture of me running behind O town and I'd like him to sign it. :p

No offense Cam but Moosie's hogging all the love. ;)
It was a good time tonigh Oscar. The best part of the evening was the 7-foot kid standing next to Cam. Hilarious!!
Forget Cameron. I want a picture of me running behind O town and I'd like him to sign it. :p

No offense Cam but Moosie's hogging all the love. ;)

Lawnboy, Cam' won't be offended. He knows where the love belongs !!!

Next time you're in Idaho, come stay at our place and O-Town will go running with ya. He would LOVE to sign his 2nd autograph.

It was a good time tonigh Oscar. The best part of the evening was the 7-foot kid standing next to Cam. Hilarious!!

YAh, When Cam' got up on the chair and was still shorter then that dude I was busting up !!!
Way to get your kid an wait.;)

It says "oscar".... It's for my kid ;) We actually took a good picture that we need to Photo shop a couple details out of then I'm gonig to fire it over to him to send back for O-Town. The picture of those 2 were for me. Maybe a little motivation. He gave O-town his collectors edition book and signed it as well.

That's an amazing collection of animals for sure. When does O-town's hunting show air?

He's 14 and busy getting College credits right now as well as on the varsity Cross country team as a freshman so he's going to finish that before his show airs. I mean even with his tallent he has to limit his time. Pluss, He wants Big Fin to get a few yearsunder his belt before he airs his show. But thanks for asking :p
Cool props in a blog post on Cam's site. You can see it with pictures at . I'm pimpin' O-Town. He deserves the Prop's !!

Wow, what an awesome experience this past weekend at the Elk Hunting & Country Music event Corey Jacobsen of Elk 101 put together in Nampa, Idaho.

500 elk hunters descended on the Nampa Civic Center this past Saturday to listen to Corey give a great seminar on calling elk, then Nashville recording artist Andy Griggs entertained with some of his great music...then it was my turn on stage to close the show.

There is nothing I enjoy more than talking with bowhunters of my passion and having a room full, 500 strong, that share my love of the mountains and elk hunting is about as good as it gets. And, as has become a tradition for me when speaking I also took the opportunity to do a little bow shooting in front of a big crowd. I think this type of practice is valuable as I like shooting when trying to block out distractions and "focus" on a clean release while the crowd murmurs and rustles behind me. After shooting and discussing consistency and form, it was on to my spiel. I had fun talking bowhunting, sharing tips and tricks and taking time to showcase some new gear that will make western bowhunters like me that much better in the mountains.

I’ll be honest, I've never felt as welcomed in a city as I did this past weekend in Nampa. There were so many truly nice people at the event and Corey is as good as the come. I think his work in putting together a big event like this was impressive. It is hard to believe this was his first attempt at such a special get together. The future of the Elk Hunting & Country Music event is going to be something to see. The venue is ideal, audio and visuals were top notch, there was lots of room and an amazing array of high quality raffle prizes for the attendees including guns, bows, guided elk hunts, high dollar scopes, etc.

After leaving the Elk Hunting & Country Music Event, I headed over the Boise Cabela’s for an hour long appearance. That too great. I heard some great stories, met some more good people and even help a new bowhunter get dialed in with my own personal bow. He’ll be back to the store to buy his own bow soon. I am certain of that.

All in all, I was humbled by the response I received. I even had a nice little turn out for my new, city-to-city Train Hard. Hunt Easy. run the morning of the event. Thank you to Adam Haynes for setting this up. It was a blast and I really enjoyed running the trails of Idaho. I had some competition on this one. All the guys could run very well but eventually me and 14-year-old budding, running phenom, Oscar Williamson pulled away. Note: he’s going to be good if he sticks with it (remember the name) and as the ideal duel threat, he is already an accomplished hunter making the cover of a recent Trophy Hunter Magazine. Plus, he’s a nice kid. After easing into the run, we ended up getting locked in at about a 6 minute per mile pace for a while before doubling back and running with the group again. It was an awesome morning. We didn't quite run ten miles as we had planned but it wasn't too far off.

Next up on my Train Hard. Hunt Easy. tour, Denver Colorado....what's the good word Denver? Who wants to run Friday night after my Bass Pro Shop appearance @ 8? I have a headlamp and would love to bust out a few late night miles with a handful of other runners in the name of bowhunting. Saturday morning, I have to fly to L.A. early and would like to put together a run there to with some L.A. bowhunters. I have all Saturday afternoon off as I don't speak at the Cucamonga Bass Pro Shops until midday Sunday. Holla back! Dig deep baby….no one can do it for you!!!!

Moosie, thank you for the great photos from the Train Hard. Hunt Easy. run! And, lastly thank you Corey for the opportunity to spend some time in beautiful Idaho.

Cameron R. Hanes

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