PEAX Equipment

Buffalo Update


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Spoke to G&F yesterday about the bison tags. They are issueing 20 resident bull tags this year and I will not have to wait for a phone call. The information will be sent in a packet in July. The season will be from September 1 through November 30, making it a 90 day season this year. :)
As Teg Nugent would say, "Steaks for the masses!" That would be exciting to put the hammer down on such a big beast. Congrats!

Wrong, they wont be issuing any buffalo tags...but they will issue BISON tags...
Told you that you wouldn't have to wait for a phone call. This must be the first year that they let the season run that long??? I know a couple years ago it was split into 2 seasons.
A co-worker drew #36 for the non-resident pool, what are his odds of getting a call to chase Bison???
1 pointer,
Slim to none and Slim is heading for the door... did he draw a cow or bull tag?
Wyo, accoding to the G&F officer I spoke to, and he is the one that had to make the calls, this year they decided not to call. It is a longer season this year. Last year he told us that there were three 15 day season.

This longer season will allow out of area hunters and non res hunters a greater opportunity than in the past. With the shorter seasons of the past, a lot of the hunters that were contacted, were not able to do the hunt in the time frame provided and then the next person on the list got called or contacted. With the 90 day season now, I don't think very many will have a problem fitting it into their schedule with notice being given in July.

pointer, two years ago they issued something like 82 or 87 permits total, bull, cow, res and non resident. I think the numbers issued last year were about the same.
Man, I sure hope you get one of thems buffalo tags Bill... :)

If you shoot one we could call you Bison Bill.. :D
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