Bozeman Saves the World?

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
What a bunch of crap. For the record, I live three miles south of Bozeman and am not allowed to vote in city elections. I take no responsibility for the idiocy of the local city government.

Wouldn't want to spend time on something they have knowledge of. Wait, that would require they have knowledge of something. NOT!

Regardless of your thoughts on a war, since when was the Bozeman City Commission appointed as Congress and Commander in Chief?

Bozeman City Commission supports resolution against Iraq war
By The Associated Press

BOZEMAN - The Bozeman City Commission voted 3-2 Monday night in favor of a resolution that calls on President Bush to withdraw troops from Iraq.

About 50 supporters and opponents of the resolution addressed the commission during a meeting that lasted more than five hours.

"One of my primary reasons for being in favor of the commission doing this is that nothing ever changes from the top down," Commissioner Kaaren Jacobson said. "Things change from the bottom up."

But Mayor Jeff Krauss, who voted against the resolution, said it was inappropriate for the city to be tackling the issue. He added that perseverance in Iraq is saving lives. Bozeman joins Butte, Helena, Missoula and more than 300 cities across the United States that have adopted a measure opposing the war.

A copy of Bozeman's resolution will be sent to Bush, Montana's Congressional delegation and Bozeman's representatives in the state House and Senate. The resolution calls for the "orderly, rapid and comprehensive" withdrawal of U.S. troops.


Maybe the Bozeman city commission can solve such other long existing struggles/mysteries as:

Israeli-Palestinian Peace
World Hunger
Global Warming
Source of Black Holes
Simplification of the Internal Revenue Code
Determine Larry Craig's true sexual identity (I think some of these folks already know, from personal experience)

I know, they can solve Tom's concerns about the inequitable manner in which western states treat non-resident hunters.

Helena and Butte also voted for this B.S? WTF?

I expected it in Missoula, but damn, what is this state coming to?


These idiots are doing their best to validate those rumors you hear about Bozeman folks. Bastards!
Dubya's "Coaltion of the Willing" is sure falling apart. The Brits just gave up Basra back to the locals and are pulling Prince Henry and the rest of them back to England.

Hopefully Dubya will start listening to the "grass roots" and end his War of Terror.
War of Terror?

We should have just turned the middle east into a field of sand from the start, and then quickly poked the U.S. flag into the ground. There hasn't been nearly enough collateral damage in Iraq. These new fancy smart weapons just suck. Little boy and Fat Man had it all figured out.
It is a bit ironic that the liberal faction along with the media and politics (all the same-same) are the exact reason the war is still going. This has been the most limp-wristed war effort in history. We have to ask persmission as to which enemies we can shoot, we tie soldiers up in court because they weren't being kind to POW's. If we slap, shock, or take derogatory photos of terrorists/the enemy we are the bad guys. Meanwhile they (the enemy) saw the heads off US citizens, butcher and dismember bodies, and blow innocent people to kingdom come on a daily basis...and everyone keeps tellings us we are the bad guys. If we could have just gone there and got the job done without liberals crying foul every time a soldier pulls the trigger, they would have been done a long time ago. At the rate it's going this war may be one of the longest in history.
It is a bit ironic that the liberal faction along with the media and politics (all the same-same) are the exact reason the war is still going. This has been the most limp-wristed war effort in history. We have to ask persmission as to which enemies we can shoot, we tie soldiers up in court because they weren't being kind to POW's. If we slap, shock, or take derogatory photos of terrorists/the enemy we are the bad guys. Meanwhile they (the enemy) saw the heads off US citizens, butcher and dismember bodies, and blow innocent people to kingdom come on a daily basis...and everyone keeps tellings us we are the bad guys. If we could have just gone there and got the job done without liberals crying foul every time a soldier pulls the trigger, they would have been done a long time ago. At the rate it's going this war may be one of the longest in history.

Whoa Big Sky, you're asking for a severe liberal tongue lashing. Well said BTW.
only a fag would worry about a few mistreated Middle eastern terrorists
If we could have just gone there and got the job done without liberals crying foul every time a soldier pulls the trigger, they would have been done a long time ago. At the rate it's going this war may be one of the longest in history.

Are you really that stupid to think that some sort of restirctions on how triggers were pulled has delayed this? If you remember, Dubya landed on the big Carrier and declared "Mission Accomplished" and an end to hostilities about 2 months after the start....

It was the lack of planning and understanding by the White House adn the Pentagon that created this quagmire, not the media.
no, the reason this is still going on is because of the limp wristed democraps that change their minds every time the wind changes direction. agree with Greenhorn. should have made it one big sandbox and then built condos on the new gold courses. now the democraps are crying foul about the "torture" we do to the terrorists. of course when pelosi and the group went to the briefing about all this, they wanted to know if this was enough to get them to talk. instead of waterboarding, should just drown the a$$holes. or better yet, let loose a few hundred pigs over there. run them to the water and watch them drown. wonder if an oil rig would be considered a hazard on the golf course?
JoseCuervo, are you really so stupid to think that having to get clearance to shoot the enemy, while in the battle field, is really speeding things up? You probably think running around checking a deck of "most wanted" cards is a very efficient way to "speed" things up in the heat of battle. Just out of curiosity what branch of the military did you serve in?
JoseCuervo, are you really so stupid to think that having to get clearance to shoot the enemy, while in the battle field, is really speeding things up? You probably think running around checking a deck of "most wanted" cards is a very efficient way to "speed" things up in the heat of battle. Just out of curiosity what branch of the military did you serve in?

:D :D :D Nice Post Big Sky!!!
BigSky- As I have never been in the military...could you let me know (while in battle) if there are rules of engagement set forth by the military already? Does the military already have a code of conduct that they go by with or without interference by a politician? If there is, how has the wording or implementation been changed? Bottom line: Do you believe the military should be held to the rules and codes the military has set for themselves?

As for the war: Please give one example of how the war has been hindered. It seems to me troop levels are controlled by the POTUS and funding has increased. There have been words said disagreeing with the war but not the troops. Ever heard of sticks and stones... The part you consider a hindrance as far as I can see is the military (and cia) being held to the standards and code of conduct the American people set for them (prior to any war starting). I don't consider this a hindrance by the media or congress. If you can't follow the rules...don't join the game.
BigSky- As I have never been in the military...could you let me know (while in battle) if there are rules of engagement set forth by the military already? Does the military already have a code of conduct that they go by with or without interference by a politician? If there is, how has the wording or implementation been changed? Bottom line: Do you believe the military should be held to the rules and codes the military has set for themselves?

As for the war: Please give one example of how the war has been hindered. It seems to me troop levels are controlled by the POTUS and funding has increased. There have been words said disagreeing with the war but not the troops. Ever heard of sticks and stones... The part you consider a hindrance as far as I can see is the military (and cia) being held to the standards and code of conduct the American people set for them (prior to any war starting). I don't consider this a hindrance by the media or congress. If you can't follow the rules...don't join the game.

As GFHunter would say....
:D :D :D Nice Post MattK!!!

Just exactly how do you define "wins"? When Dubya stood on the Lincoln and declared "Mission Accomplished", was that a "win"?

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