Bob Costas' Commentary


Active member
Jan 2, 2012
Pittsburgh, PA
Just heard Bob's rant blaming the availability of handguns for the Kansas City murder/suicide.

I guess, NBC just made my boycott list.
Who is Bob Costas?

But if he's an NBC employee, why would you be surprised by an anti-gun rant?
That's too bad what happened. I feel for the victim, even the player.

SNF sucks every week with Bob C. I'd rather watch Tiffany on the outdoor channel.
He was quoting Jason Whitlock, a writer out of KC. Either way, I think how its funny these idiots start in on guns while alcohol, drugs, and head injuries get a free pass. Jokers. How much crime in this country is committed with alcohol involved? Its unreal.
"If Jevon Belcher didn't have a gun he and his girlfriend would still be alive." Bob Costas. "I respectfully disagree." OJ Simpson.
Agree, sent both nbc & NFL an email voicing my opinion.

What a liberal Dork. Wonder what he would of said about the recent shooting/murder in Wyoming that was done with a bow? What about killing someone with your hands, piano wire, pillow over the face..... These people are sick and no matter what you do they are still going to use some method to carry out their ideas to kill.
I caught that at half time as well. I wonder if that player had ran over his gf with his black Bentley if he would have told us that he and his wife would still be alive if it weren't for expensive cars???!!! What a tool!!!
You ain't seen nuthin yet boys...the liberals got their 'clear' mandate Nov 6.
I went to college the same time Whitlock was there (Ball State) he takes the side of whoever he feels will get him the most publicity. . . still the same guy it seems. I agree with all the posts here. . .Costas is a tool!! I just told the wife this morning if he didn't have a gun it would have been a knife, or a rope, or a rock, or whatever else was available. . .it doesn't matter @ that point. Feel bad for those who had to witness it though.
In my opinion - Liberals believe that criminals are just like them and that guns cause crime - conservatives believe that criminals are different and that the criminals cause crime.

Maybe both are right and the solution is to keep guns away from liberals.
Somehow I turned it to the game just as he started talking. Even though I knew what channel I was watching and who was talking, I still couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth. Unbelievable.
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