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Biden BLM appointee

I once testified against a poacher and the person who was an accessory to his actions. The poacher initiated the actions and the accessory became a participant when he helped facilitate and didn’t refuse.
Both bore responsibility for their actions but in my judgment, the greater responsibility and greater penalty should have been applied to the person who planned and initiated the crime.
Did u take immunity?
Not for stealing girls out cookies...stop being naive @JLS.
I’m not naive. Far from it. Stop with your ridiculous assertions.

Just in case you don’t understand how immunity works, it’s not like a permanent get out of jail free card. There are very detailed meetings between attorneys. If the prosecution doesn’t feel like the witness is being candid, they can rescind the offer.

Offers for immunity also come with very strict stipulations, just like you’d see in a deferred sentence agreement. The prosecution reserves the right to bring any and all charges to trial. Also, God help the person who lies about their involvement and it comes out later they had more culpability then they let on. It isn’t pretty.

Given she was granted limited immunity, and no charges were filed after the fact, I’d say there is a pretty good likelihood she was candid and honest with the prosecution before, during and after the trial.

I’m sorry you’re still paying for a mistake. It’s sucks. I hate mandatory stuff like that where a person can’t change what happened at 20.

We can agree to disagree here.
I’m not naive. Far from it. Stop with your ridiculous assertions.

Just in case you don’t understand how immunity works, it’s not like a permanent get out of jail free card. There are very detailed meetings between attorneys. If the prosecution doesn’t feel like the witness is being candid, they can rescind the offer.

Offers for immunity also come with very strict stipulations, just like you’d see in a deferred sentence agreement. The prosecution reserves the right to bring any and all charges to trial. Also, God help the person who lies about their involvement and it comes out later they had more culpability then they let on. It isn’t pretty.

Given she was granted limited immunity, and no charges were filed after the fact, I’d say there is a pretty good likelihood she was candid and honest with the prosecution before, during and after the trial.

I’m sorry you’re still paying for a mistake. It’s sucks. I hate mandatory stuff like that where a person can’t change what happened at 20.

We can agree to disagree here.
Was she part of earthfirst? Did she take immunity?
I’m not naive. Far from it. Stop with your ridiculous assertions.

Just in case you don’t understand how immunity works, it’s not like a permanent get out of jail free card. There are very detailed meetings between attorneys. If the prosecution doesn’t feel like the witness is being candid, they can rescind the offer.

Offers for immunity also come with very strict stipulations, just like you’d see in a deferred sentence agreement. The prosecution reserves the right to bring any and all charges to trial. Also, God help the person who lies about their involvement and it comes out later they had more culpability then they let on. It isn’t pretty.

Given she was granted limited immunity, and no charges were filed after the fact, I’d say there is a pretty good likelihood she was candid and honest with the prosecution before, during and after the trial.

I’m sorry you’re still paying for a mistake. It’s sucks. I hate mandatory stuff like that where a person can’t change what happened at 20.

We can agree to disagree here.
I agree with ya...hell at the very moment if I was in the senate I'd pry vote for her. But I refuse to just dismiss this. And rolling over is bullshit not matter the 20 years after. I dont trust her.
Was she part of earthfirst? Did she take immunity?
My only response to this is that I really am sorry for your circumstance. You seem like a genuinely good guy, and I made some decisions at 21 that could have been life altering. By the grace of God, I escaped disaster. I wish you would have too.

Peace out.
Did u take immunity?
I was a witness for the prosecution. Completely uninvolved with their actions. It was my call and videoed evidence that led to their convictions.
My only point in bringing it up was that the accomplice thought he was being loyal and doing his buddy a favor by stonewalling the investigator. He didn’t like the results when he was charged with the same violations as the guy who got him involved.
Misplaced loyalty isn’t noble.
I was a witness for the prosecution. Completely uninvolved with their actions. It was my call and videoed evidence that led to their convictions.
My only point in bringing it up was that the accomplice thought he was being loyal and doing his buddy a favor by stonewalling the investigator. He didn’t like the results when he was charged with the same violations as the guy who got him involved.
Misplaced loyalty isn’t noble.
Exactly....you did awesome. She was more than likely guilty and struck a deal. HUGE difference.
Certainly, and if you’ve read what I’ve written thus far, you’ll clearly see I have acknowledged this isn’t trivial an could certainly be a barrier to confirmation. There are differing levels of culpability, of which simply being a member is questionable.

I would say simply being an active member of earth first is the BIGGEST reason to question her nomination. It blows my mind that people don’t know,don’t care or don’t remember what earth first did and stood for. We are paying huge consequences of their actions in the 80’s and 90’s today. Someone with that ideology should be head of public lands? Idk maybe she has had a complete conversion but she needs a very close look. BLM has a mandate to optimize public land for a lot of things including logging. A few on here seem to to “not see anything here “because it was there boy who made the nomination. I don’t care who made the nomination but it feels a little upside down. If you would have told me in the 80’s someone from earth first would be running BLM I would have thought you were nuts at best. Yet here we are and some people I respect are actually endorsing her. Upside down world I guess.
100 percent she was never convicted or even charged. The organic hippie farmer who said she had nothing to do with it was/is a convicted felon and went to prison. My only point is I would trust the word of the forest service investigator over the other guy who was a convicted felon. The fs investigator said she was involved in the tree spiking the other earth first members said she only typed and mailed letter. I tend to trust the word of the investigator in this over people who were convicted for the crime. I don’t know that’s just how I am looking at it really one person’s word against another’s.
Just re-read your original post and I misunderstood your link between the two (hippie guy convicted and Stone-Manning). Apologies.
I don’t know I’m with you after kavanaugh etc I’m pretty disgusted with the process but this isn’t even close to the false mud slinging we seen with kavanaugh.
I'm with you on the BS of past actions. Below was a post of mine a couple pages earlier.
I'm not an R or D so we may differ there as I'm an Independent that leans more conservative (Immigration, 2A, etc) though Rs are going to smear her six ways from Sunday. Least they have a basis vs the D's flat out baseless allegation from a far flung alleged College day "party".
Regardless, until one party steps up and takes the high road, both will stay in the childish mud pit together.

A TR Bull Moose party would sure gain some good traction about now.
The Kavanagh bullshit really tainted my view of these hearings. Clarence Thomas was another. Barrett another.. Liberals painted their extremism and for that, if Tracy Stone-Manning is dropped, Democrats reap what they sowed.
And it will flush the other way as well and Republicans will reap what they're about to sow.

There's no intent to find truth in these hearings... it's a smear campaign regardless a niave student of environmental studies or not.

Jack asses are just that and Dumbos are on the same line.

Their divisiveness screams for a Moose Party.
👍 funny people think of nails when they hear spiking. I knew a logger got hurt in the woods also when he hit a spike with his chainsaw. Like a long railroad spike driven into tree .
A railroad spike is about 7" long, about 5/8" (3/4") square and has a chisel point. Driving a railroad spike without a pilot hole is nigh on to impossible....even with a great big hammer.
@Trap, that's not to say it "can't" be done, I'm just saying if I wanted to spike trees, there is something a lot easier to use than railroad spikes. LOL!
In fact, a double handful of 20d common could do lots of damage and cause lots of damage.
I spent about 5 years in the building trades and can only imagine what spiked timber could do in a sawmill!
I would say simply being an active member of earth first is the BIGGEST reason to question her nomination. It blows my mind that people don’t know,don’t care or don’t remember what earth first did and stood for. We are paying huge consequences of their actions in the 80’s and 90’s today. Someone with that ideology should be head of public lands? Idk maybe she has had a complete conversion but she needs a very close look. BLM has a mandate to optimize public land for a lot of things including logging. A few on here seem to to “not see anything here “because it was there boy who made the nomination. I don’t care who made the nomination but it feels a little upside down. If you would have told me in the 80’s someone from earth first would be running BLM I would have thought you were nuts at best. Yet here we are and some people I respect are actually endorsing her. Upside down world I guess.
Did you have similar outrage when Trump nominated Pendley? Or is this just a partisan issue for you? Serious question.
She testified, in exchange for immunity, that she retyped and sent an anonymous letter to the US Forest Service on behalf of John P. Blount, her former roommate and friend. The letter told the Forest Service that 500 pounds of spikes measuring 8-10 inches in length had been jammed into trees in the Idaho Forest.
I have read nothing to indicate she was bluffing .
Wouldn’t that be something like PETA shooting deer so hunters can’t kill them? I mean that can’t be good for the tree can it?
I would say simply being an active member of earth first is the BIGGEST reason to question her nomination. It blows my mind that people don’t know,don’t care or don’t remember what earth first did and stood for. We are paying huge consequences of their actions in the 80’s and 90’s today. Someone with that ideology should be head of public lands? Idk maybe she has had a complete conversion but she needs a very close look. BLM has a mandate to optimize public land for a lot of things including logging. A few on here seem to to “not see anything here “because it was there boy who made the nomination. I don’t care who made the nomination but it feels a little upside down. If you would have told me in the 80’s someone from earth first would be running BLM I would have thought you were nuts at best. Yet here we are and some people I respect are actually endorsing her. Upside down world I guess.
Logging is small potato's on BLM...100-260 million board feet a year.

Forest Service 1.8-2.8 billion board feet a year.

Also, if you would have told me that a staunch anti-public lands clown like Pendley would have been tasked with attempting to run a public land management agency...I would have thought you were nuts at best. Yet, that's exactly what happened. Upside down world indeed...must have missed your outrage over that.
I don't think it does a lot of damage to the trees themselves . They only have to spike about one in maybe say 20 trees for it to be effective would be my guess . You just have no clue where they are at . I really don't know for sure how it works from the terrorists end . I would guess the tree lives fine .
Mills have had metal detectors for decades...and its not just for tree spikers. Private property owners pound all sorts of metal into their trees for all kinds of reasons...fences, clothes lines, hanging bird feeders, the list is endless.

Dad used to bring home boards with all sorts of shit in them from the mill he worked at...bullets were very common.
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